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Alternative Energy as Beneficial Resource for World Energy Demand

Essay Instructions:

Journal Entry 16: Planning your Argument.

1. State your claim

A. Identify the type of claim(fact, value, or policy).

B. Explain your purpose or goal for your research paper.

II. Identify your reasons. A. Reason 1 (B) Reason 2 (C) Reason 3

III. Start your research to develop support for your claim (provide at least two examples of each).

A. Support your reasons with evidence

1. Facts* 2. Statistics* 3. Expert opinions* 4. Examples* 5. personal Experiences

B. Identify your emotional appeals

1. Appeal to needs 2. Appeal to values

* Cite your sources using MLA citation and documentation format (that is, parenthetical citations and a list of works cited).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal Entry 16
Alternative Energy as Beneficial Resource for World Energy Demand
The use of alternative energy, renewable and efficient, has always been an ongoing battle and issue that the world faces regularly. Some claim to favor the movement. However, there are also those who resist on several grounds that they deem unpractical.
For one, the ongoing issue of alternative energy as being too expensive have been lingering for far too long. Most nations, especially those who cannot afford to invest millions on the endeavor, still prefer the cheaper fossil fuels. It also does not help to the cause that fossil fuels are major supplier of much of the world’s energy needs and the supply is adequate for now that people are not worrying about it that much. Hence, the neglection of alternative energy (Dresselhaus and Thomas, 332). However, it is important to take note that these resources, no matter how adequate they may be now, are still non-renewable and therefore, needs to be conserved as much as possible. Alternative energy resource can be of immense help in this regard (Orloff) especially in meeting the world’s current demand of energy (Herzog 8).
Benefits of Alternative Energy
There are quite several reasons as to why an alternative renewable resource is a wonderful way of supplying the energy demand around the world (Herzog 8). Specifically, alternative energy is great for the following reasons:
* There are a lot of resources available.
While fossil fuels rely solely on the supply of fossil fuels, alternative energy have a lot of sources to tap into (Dresselhaus and Thomas, 332; Orloff; Herzog 8). Biomass, wind energy, solar power, geothermal energy, and hydroelectric power are some of the great resources of alternative energy (Herzog 8).
The United States tallied a total of 10% of energy supply to be coming from renewable energy [Fig. 1] in 2016. This is a huge leap from the previous years’ consumptions which relied heavily on coal and petroleum [Fig. 2]. Since 2016, the use of renewable alternative energy has steadily risen and come in par with the demand for coal. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects the United States to continue using renewable energy through 2040 (“Renewable Energy Explained”).
Globally, it is projected that the use of renewable energy will increase exponentially. Take for example the use of biomass as alternative energy. It is projected that by 2100, the world demand for biomass will rise to triple and more since the demand in 1990 [Fig. 3] (As cited, Herzog 13)
* Less negative environmental impact.
It is a given fact that the conventional methods of energy generation, coal, oil, and others are more economically progressive, they are also the more environmentally-damaging (Akella 390). Alternative renewable energy, on the other hand, is eco-friendlier which means that compared to fossil fuels, there is less carbon emission as well as pollution emission compared to burning coal and fossil fuels (Herzog, 9). Since, renewable energy is more environmentally-friendly, it is also a potential solution for alleviating global environmental problems (Dincer 157; Panwar, 1513).
Take for example the use of wind and solar energy. Unlike fossil fuels and other more environmentally-detrimental energy source, solar power and wind energy is cleaner and more environmentally sustainable than the consumption of fossil fuel. The energy required to run solar and wind power plants can be taken directly from sunlight and the wind, respectively (Herzog, 27; Panwar 1513).
Akella, Saini, and Sharma conducted an examination of the use of renewable energy and its social, economical and environment impact. The findings of the study revealed a trend of total reduction in emission through varying years when renewable energy systems were installed in select remote areas.
* Cheaper and more economically stable in the long run.
Majority of the opposition on the use of alternative energy is because the establishment and construction of facilities are generally more expensive than the construction of fossil fuel reserves and plants (“Renewable Energy Explained”; Herzog 8; Akella 390). However, what most of the opposition fail to see is that in the long run, the cost of powering the established alternative energy plants will be exponentially cheaper than fossil fuels, coals, or natural gas.
For instance, with the cost of electricity via wind energy from 1985 to 2015, the trend shows decreasing values. It is projected that the decline in cost will persist [Fig. 4] (Herzog 27).
The U.S. Department of Energy also projected a global decrease in capital costs for renewable energy from 1997 through 2030 [Fig. 5] (Herzog, 47). Furthermore, it is also projected that with the continuous drop in cost, additional generation from solar and wind power can be added with low incremental expenditure. Moreover, the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory forecasts an increase in economic value of geothermal and wind power compared to coal and fossil fossils in the next 15 or so years (Herzog 48).
Developing countries are als...
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