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Is It True That Obesity Affects The High Socioeconomic Class Only?

Essay Instructions:

This Informative Essay is to be based on the previous Annotated Bibliography on Obesity you wrote for me. Please follow iENC 1102/ FALL 2017


In informative writing, the writer is assumed to have more expertise than the reader on a given subject. The writer's aim is to

enlarge the reader's view of the subject by presenting the reader with new or surprising information.


Using your annotated bibliography research, write a 6-7 page informative magazine feature essay using a surprising-reversal

strategy in a tone and style suitable for a general audience. Your goal is to arouse your readers' curiosity by posing an interesting

question, summarizing common answers to the question, and then providing new, surprising information that counters or flips the

common view. Your first task is to hook the reader on a question and then to provide a surprising thesis that gives shape and

purpose to the information.

Audience: This assignment assumes a trusting online reader, one willing to learn from your research, yet may not be initially

motivated by the need-to-know occasion or by their own curiosity. Because your readers are assumed to be browsing online content,

the rhetorical challenge will be to capture their attention, spark their curiosity, and retain their interest by providing new or

surprising information.

Framework for a Surprising-Reversal Informative Essay

Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)

• Engage readers' interest in your research question.

• Provide sufficient background information and context.

Body section 1

• Explain the common or popular answer to your research question.

Thesis section 2

• Provide a delayed thesis—the surprising answer to your research question.

• Provide supporting evidence.

• Include visualizations (graphs, charts, tables, etc.) to support data referenced in your text.


• Explain the significance of the new, surprising perspective on your research question.

Writing Requirements: 5-6 page typed essay that incorporates a minimum of 5 research sources, Times New Roman 12pt

font, double-spaced, 1” margins, standard heading, paper title, page numbers, MLA style in-text citation of sources, and Works Cited

page. *Note: The Works Cited page does not count toward the minimum page requirement. This assignment is worth 225 points and

will be assessed and graded using the Trait Rubrics.nstructions attached and bellow. I will also send an example.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Is it true that obesity affects the high socioeconomic class only?
The cases of obesity in America have increased tremendously in the recent years. This is happening in the current world of information where people are more informed about their health issues than in previous years. It’s surprising that despite the existence of this information governments still spend financial resources in not only educating the public, but also carrying out campaigns to help boost awareness of obesity. More often obesity is understood as a disease that comes out of consuming too much food and doing so little to burn the calories that come with the food consumption. People have always argued that obesity is associated with people of higher class as they have the financial resources to make unhealthy food choices that are associated with obesity. But, how true is this assumption?
For a long time obesity has been assumed as a disease that is highly associated with people of the high class who consume a lot of unhealthy foods. It’s assumed that these groups of people live a stress free live and do not worry about their food choices. Others believe that living a stress-free life is associated with the cases of obesity. In this case, they infer the assumption that people with high income have all their needs satisfied and do not stress about their life. They can consume whatever they want with no struggle. Most of them are assumed to own vehicles or using mechanical transport, unlike the lower class that walk on most occasions hence reducing chances for obesity. Therefore, in the views of the low-class category, the problems of obesity are not likely to affect them; they often call it “disease of the rich people."
There is a tremendous growth of cases of obesity around the world. Reading through an article in the New York Times by Ritchel, it gives detailed revelations on the nature of obesity around the globe. Ritchel has indicated in the article that there is a tremendous growth of the cases of obesity around the world. He found that the world’s cases of obesity have increased to more than 10% in the last 30 years, resulting in increased health problems and several premature deaths that are associated with obesity. This translates to nearly 604 million adults across the world who are obese and over 108 million children who are obese (Ritchel, New York Times). These figures communicate the same message as the one in an article written by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO indicates that across the globe, there are over one billion people who are overweight, and out of this over 300 million people are clinically obese. WHO has shown great concern on the increased cases of obesity among children across the world. WHO indicates that obesity, unlike other diseases, is a serious health condition that affects all ages and all the socioeconomic groups across the globe. Also, the increased consumption of more energy foods, high sugar content and high-fat content foods, combined with the reduced physical activity have led to the high rise in obesity in countries such as North America, the United Kingdom, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, Australia, and China.
The figures above are not mere statistics as the trend is likely to increase unless we deconstruct our thinking about obesity. Zarnowiecki's article on Socioeconomic Disparities in Food Consumption and Availability has focused on the several socioeconomic factors that contribute to the awareness, affordability, and availability of healthy meals and health behavior for individuals. He indicates that the education level of an individual affects the level of knowledge that an individual has regarding the kind of meals that they take. People of higher education levels can understand the right combination of meals that can aid them to achieve a balanced diet. They can also understand the impact of consuming specific foods to their body based on their nutritional content. The type of occupation determines the working conditions that one is faced with. Work flexibility, working hours and exposure to stress contribute to the kind of lifestyle that an employee lives. Working conditions impact how much time one has to shop and prepare their meals and also how much money they have for the purchase of foodstuff. The low working class often has very long working hours that are inflexible, and they are often motivated to work long hours to make more money. In such cases, the kind of foods that this group of people consumes usually lacks the nutritional balance and the lack of free time to engage in activities that keep the body fit. The low social class is the most disadvantaged according to Zarnowiecki. Therefore, their food choices and lifestyle supports the conditions necessary for obesity.
The other factor that Zarnowiecki talks about is the income disparities. The amount of money that one is paid determines the amount of money that they have to spend on food. Those with high income have available money to purchase any food, unlike the low class who are limited by their budgets. The high-class category can have their meals prepared by other people, and this ma...
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