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Main Differences And Similarities Between City Limits And Manhattan

Essay Instructions:

what are the main differences and similarities between City Limits and Manhattan? Do you think there is one real NYC? Binary oppositions (inside/outside, rich/poor, before/after,up/down?).How we construct NY but NY also construct us? What we project onto the City? How does memory affect the way we experience NYC? Use your own experience.

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City limits and Manhattan
City limits is a story depicted from Colossus of New York, a literal work done by Colson Whitehead. In this piece, the author describes how New York City can be different depending on individual's experiences. He states that there exist several New York for the people he described as New Yorkers, based on the kind of New York they have built for themselves. The other masterpiece is extracted from John Berger's sense of sight and is titled Manhattan. In Manhattan, the author describes the densely populated island within the city as a habitat for people with excess hopes, seemingly condemned to their lives. The scene described displays a place of no privacy as everything seems to be happening outside. The population is such that the only space existing between two individuals is the sound of their voices and that's why talking is used as a protection strategy.
Both Manhattan and city limits are similar on the fact that their storylines are based in New York City. As much as Manhattan talks about the small island, the island is directly connected to New York since it is located within the city. Both works have applied the use of literal styles where the author of city limits uses flashback as the author of Manhattan uses symbolism and imagery. As much as the two pieces may be similar to some extent, they also have some differences. The city limits talk of an ever-changing New York which never waits for a new generation. Manhattan on the other hand talks of an island that poses a paradox on the sight of a person after seeing it for the first time. One is not able to tell the difference between the inside and outside, upwards and downwards, and the situation never seems to change.
Personally, I believe that the real New York City exists, one that is not subjected to people's thoughts and imaginations. The fact that the city is not static but dynamic as a result of several factors does not make it several in one. It is just one New York City with people of different generations. The binary opposing sides, however, exist as the city contain the rich and the poor, and I believe that the inside settings differ from the outside, as much as there exist the ups and downs. The New York before is also different from the New York after.
It is the people that build a city as a result of the innovations and the inventions. The New York of the 70s is different from the New York today as a result of the various human advances such as buildings and settlement. As much as people construct New York, it also impacts us differently. Through our interaction with the city we tend to gain new ideas and experiences, and as we live with such ideas, they tend to become part of us, therefore making us new people built by a city.
Our memories affect how we experience the New York City, making people have different ideas how New York looks like. Growing up, we ...
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