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Abortion as a Birth Control (against)

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Persuasive Essay Abortion as a Birth Control (against) (will of course require pros and cons)
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Abortion is the pregnancy termination in humans through expulsion or removal of the embryo or fetus from the uterus prior to maturity. An abortion can be induced by people willingly or spontaneously. Spontaneous abortion is referred to as miscarriage. Findings indicate that abortion commonly refers to induced abortion, which is carried out willingly by the parties involved (O'Neill 187). It has been noted that in some nations, abortion is lawful and in some other nations, abortion is illegal. Developed nations have models of inducing one of the safest medical procedures, this is if performed in accordance with the law; however, unsafe abortion contributes to more than seventy thousand maternal deaths and more than five million hospitalizations yearly in the world (Baumgardner 177). This paper argues against abortion as a method of birth control.
Surveys indicates that there are more than forty four million abortions performed in the world every year, unsafe abortions are the common ones in the black market. The rate of abortions has drastically reduced in the recent decade due to readily available methods of family planning. Some of the common family planning methods in the market identifies with natural planning method, absistence, Emergency Contraceptives Pills (ECP), Cervical Cap, withdrawal, Vasectomy, Female sterilization, Depo-Provera, Male condoms, Female Condom, Diaphragm, Virginal Spermicides, Pills, Ortho Evra (Patch), Norplant, NuvaRing (Ring) and Intrauterine Device (IUD) among others. Human population has been sensitized against induced abortion. Surveys indicate that an estimated forty percent of the global women have at one time experienced induced abortions (Luker 107).
Abortion has a history in tow, abortions has been facilitated by sharp objects, herbal medicines, traditional methods and physical trauma; there are modern surgical and medication procedures that enhance the processes. Abortion is influenced by cultural, prevalence, legality issues and religious status along the global context (Singh et al. 159). Legality of abortion may be attributed to rape, incest, fetal defects and factors influencing socioeconomic aspects driving at the life of the mother being at risk. It has been noted that abortion has generated heated debates on the legality of the practice; there are people who believes that aborting is directly proportional to killing of a human being. Significant portion of the global population believes that abortion is unethical, drawing public controversy (Gray & Lassance 171).
Globally, there occurs an estimated two hundred and five million pregnancies, one third of these pregnancies are unintended, and it has been noted that an estimated one fifth of the unintended pregnancies are terminated through abortion, negligible percentage of the intended pregnancies ends up in abortion due to unavoidable circumstances (Tribe 302). The safety status of abortion depends on how the procedure has been performed. Surveys shown by World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that unsafe abortions are those carried out by people who do not have the relevant skills in unsanitary circumstances and equipments considered hazardous (Hinman 13).
Advantages of abortion depends under the circumstances in which it is performed, there are controversies on the circumstances. Abortion is advantageous if the procedure is performed to safeguard the life of the mother, this is if the mother is suffering from hazardous medical situations like severe diabetes, heart disease, k...
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