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My Achievement and Effort Goals

Essay Instructions:
This assignment is designed to help you set goals for achievement and effort in this class. The audience for your answers to the following questions is you alone, so there is no need to try and come up with an answer you think I will like. Achievement Goals–In a brief paragraph, describe what would need to happen in order for you to feel that you had experienced success in this class. That could mean receiving a passing grade, getting an A, improving your writing according to some criteria that you define, or some other achievement measure that you come up with. Effort Goals–In a few paragraphs, talk about what you will need to do in order to achieve those goals. Try to be as specific as possible, though there are no strict guidelines for your answer. You can talk about number of hours spent on each assignment, sticking to the recommended deadlines for first drafts, the number of revisions you will probably have to do to get the grade you desire, contacting the instructor when you have questions, etc. SOURCE: http://writingishard(dot)wordpress(dot)com/category/handouts-2/.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
My Achievement and Effort Goals
In academics, achievement indicates successful exploitation of skill, effort and perseverance to meet educational goals. Though achievement goals differ among individual students, several things will have to happen for me to admit that I have triumphed in my current class. To begin with, I will have to attain an A grade in this particular class. Similarly, I will have to be able to write excellently by citing properly, sticking to the required academic styles and logically arranging my thoughts to produce high quality papers. Realization of these goals will clearly signify successful completion of this class.
To attain the aforementioned achievement goals, I will have to successfully undertake the following effort goals. To get an A grade, I will first have to organize my time well by allocating ample time to each of the assignments. This will allow me to properly utilize the allocated time in revising and researching for each of the assigned coursework, thereby enabling me to gather sufficient resources before compiling the paper.
Secondly, I will be eager to ask for guidance from the instructor whenever I encounter a major hurdle. This will entail seeking clarification on concepts that I do not quite understand, asking for guidance on how to tackle various academic questions, and seeking advice on how I ought to approach various types of assignments. This will enable me to properly and...
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