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English 1A03 Short Fiction Essay: The Yellow Wall-Paper

Essay Instructions:

Short fiction: "the yellow wall paper" by writer Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Please use this story only.

Choose any of the two subject to write.

The only source needed is this short story. (eg. quotation)

English 1A03 Short Fiction Essay Length: 1500 Words Due date: Thursday November 16, 2017 Two submissions: Upload into Dropbox and submit hard copy in lecture Choose any short story from the list of those we have studied and write on ONE of the following two subjects. 1) Find something that repeats and discuss its importance for the story as a whole. By “something” I mean any image, metaphor, line or phrase, character trait, or event. You will recall our discussion in the poetry section of how something repeated will seem magnified in importance, i.e. become symbolic. A tree that just seems part of the setting when it first appears in a story will seem much more symbolic when it appears again and again. You want to think about how this meaningful recurrence influences an interpretation of the story as a whole. 2) Choose one paragraph from the story and argue in favour of its being the centre from which the rest of the story emanates. You can look for a paragraph that represents for you the stylistic centre of the story, or you can focus on a central setting, a central image, a central event, a central speech by a character, and so on. Once you have chosen your centre, you will go on to show how it functions as a hub for the story as a whole. You’ll be showing, effectively, how other parts of the story relate meaningfully to it.

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The Yellow Wall-Paper
The Yellow Wallpaper is a short fictional story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The story was written in 1897 and is mainly about Gilman’s life and the societal stereotypes towards women at the time. In the 19th century, women had little (if any) power and men were considered superior in every way. Women were considered property and therefore, were owned and controlled by the men. An activity such as voting was only reserved for the men and women, therefore, had no say in who assumes leadership. Many stereotypes were used to vitiate women, and these stereotypes were carefully inculcated into the minds of young girls to ensure the continuity of the cycle. In some areas, women were not allowed to go to school, and this helped to keep them ignorant and oblivious to the obvious inequality. However, when women such as Simone de Beauvoir, Gloria Steinem, The Suffragettes, and Coco Chanel began to voice their displeasure at the obvious discrimination and retrogressive stereotypes, things changed. The above women among others, including Gilman pioneered feminism and fought to ensure women’s opinions counted. In The Yellow Wallpaper, some of the stereotypes against women are vividly depicted. The story not only shows how men seemed to ignore women and their views, but also how some women bought or believed in the status quo. The word wallpaper, however, seems to be repeated several times and its significance in the story is quite evident as well. The word is indeed symbolic and this article, therefore, seeks to discuss the meaningful repetition of this word and its influence in the story.
“This wallpaper has a kind of sub-pattern in a different shade, a particularly irritating one, for you can only see it in certain lights, and not then.” The line above showcases the first time the word wallpaper is mentioned, and immediately one can directly tie it or relate to the conversation regarding stereotypes against women. As already stated, stereotypes against women are used to diminish their value and worth while exaggerating on their weaknesses. However, the truth is these stereotypes are not usually obviously stated and therefore, one can only recognize them only if or when they are keen enough. The above is quite similar to how the wallpaper was because according to Gilman, one could “only see it in certain light, and not clearly then.” Additionally, there are times when sly comments can be made against women and fail to get the reaction some would expect. This could be because of various reasons, but, it would be foolish to ignore the fact that society also plays a role in driving and propagating the retrogressive stereotypes against women. As Gilman continues with her description, she mentions that she could “see a strange, provoking, formless sort of figure, that seems to skulk about behind that silly and conspicuous front design.” A part of Gilman was indeed aware of the stereotypes and was already revolting and resisting the society’s belief of who or what a woman entails. However, this part was still buried deep, and on page 4, it could only depict its presence and rescind.
The narrator had no support from John, who only helped to make matters worse. John expected that anything he said was final and his wife was only supposed to agree. “You see he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do?” (647). The above words can be easily ignored but goes a long way in explaining and showing how women’s opinions were cast as obsolete even before they could have a chance to state them. Like a wallpaper which never chooses its destination or location in a house, she was expected to be content with anything that came her way. Her position was only to smile and agree with anything her husband said regardless of how she felt. “Personally, I disagree with their ideas. Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good” (648). She wanted something different, but she could not bring herself to stating her position and her frustration were indeed confirmed when she said, “But what is one to do?” (648).
For a long time, women were seen as property and objects, and therefore, they were not expected to think on their feet or try to make sense of things. Men and the society expected them to listen and hear every instruction or words, no matter how demeaning or ignorant of their feelings. The society had already decided for the women, and one empathizes with the narrator when she craves for society’s support. “I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus” (648). However, she continues to state that “John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition.” Instead of helping her to think on her feet and to assess things on ...
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