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Would US have entered World War 2 if Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbor?

Essay Instructions:

Your thesis should be highlighted in RED.

Each body paragraph must include two pieces of evidence cited from varies professional websites.

Please analyze each evidence on how it supported your thesis.

Please use the ASESE (Assert, Support, Explain, Support, Explain) method for your body paragraphs.

All of your assertions should support your main thesis.

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[Name of the Student] [Name of the Institute] [Date] Topic: Japan and Pearl Harbor Would US have entered WWII if Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbor? Introduction Since the period of the 1920s, the war in between the United States and Japan had been a prominent risk which both the nations had been aware of, however, the tensions significantly did not initiate to develop utterly until Japan’s invasion of Manchuria in 1931. The war begins after a surprise attack on Pearl Harbour as a military strike by the grand Japanese Navy Air service in contradiction of the United States naval base formed at Pearl Harbour back in the year 1941 (Feis, n.d). Therefore, the attack led the United States' ticket into World War II. The attack was referred as the Hawaii operations during the planning by the Japanese military leadership. Thus, it can be stated that the surprise attack by Japan came as an intense shock particularly to the people of America and the country itself which led the republic into World War II. On December 8th, 1941, the United States declared war on Japan. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a well-known Japanese Naval commander of that time, anticipated his plan in order to attack Pearl Harbour that would have exceptionally reflected a harmful setback to American abilities. Otherwise, he knew that Japan obviously stood no chance in contrary to the United States in an extended war. There were few key reasons behind the attack on pearl harbour and it has been perceived that the United States was caught unprepared for the attack. The decision of Japan for the war in contrary to the United States was considered as a key product of Japanese cultural pride, strategic miscalculation, fatalism and cultural perplexity, however, even after the mentioned reasons the United States would have entered the War in any way. Furthermore, this paper will entail an in-depth analysis based on the reasons for the attack, why Pearl Harbour, further scrutiny. Discussion US would have entered the WWII anyways World War II (1939-1945) was the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind. World War II ended with Germany, Japan and Italy (USA) against the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union (allies) took root in Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy’s militarist ideology and expansionist policies. The weak reaction of European democracies to fascist aggression and American isolationism led to the fact that the Axis forces prevailed for the first time. The United States does not want to enter World War II as a country that has just begun to recover from the Great Depression and has just lost its troops in the First World War. Roosevelt has just been elected and hopes that American soldiers will not be sent to foreign wars. However, the number of deaths in Europe was soon too high. The United States had to resort to Britain's help. The attack on Pearl Harbor as a surprise outbreak may have officially pushed the United States into World War II, but it is wrong to think that the United States has not yet fought in a 26-month conflict. Although the official position of Washington was neutral, in weeks and months until December 7, 1941, the US military collided with the Germans and the Japanese. Although the Japanese bombing at Pearl Harbor was the main reason for the US involvement in the war, there are other factors that contributed to its coming for instance Nazi Germany has lost ships and trade embargoes, and the United States of provide the leasing laws of the coalition forces of Britain and others. It affected the US economy because the products they produced were destroyed. Additionally, the United States has become increasingly shocked by military events, including the invasion of Japan in Asia and the growing power of Hitler. Therefore, despite the isolationist policy, they can finally enter the war. Other reasons for entering into the World War II are deliberated as Germans were involved in sinking US ships while they were carrying supplies to England. Even though Germans committed to not to use submarines for two but they started using it. Similarly, German’s submarines beginning to shoot at US war ships. Another important reason of entering to the war was that the country was at risk in terms of its freedom and democracy. Japan and Germany had imperialistic goals that threatened people and national freedom all over the world. Thus, it was America’s moral responsibility to take military action against these powers. Treaty of Versailles, Japan invades Manchuria, and other reasons mentioned above significantly presents the reasons United States would have entered the World War II anyways. Reasons for the attack Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbour was in revenge to the restrictions placed by the United States. The attack was motivated by the imperialistic aspirations of the Japanese in the Pacific region. There are numerous reasons behind the attack on Pearl Harbour but it has been observed that the goal of the attack and its reasons are not similar (Record, n.d). Roosevelt, the president of America at that time had banned all the export items including steel, oil, and scrap iron, particularly to Japan. The utmost reason for this specific restriction was the Japanese attack on China. During this, Japan had lost most of its oil supply and due to this particular reason, the economic segregation crippled their economy and soldierly. In addition, the United States significantly had a prominent interest in these precise natural resources and in the major reaction to the Japanese aggression, the United States legislature placed strict restrictions on doing major business with Japan. However, during this time the United States had not yet entered the Second World War and this was due to the fact that they were still going through the depression of the World War I (Santos, n.d). As a prominent fact, it has been observed that the country conversely own the sturdiest naval task forces. From this particular standpoint, the Japanese were similarly strong as the States navy. Later with the time, America favoured joining the war. Further, Japanese predicted a complete naval war with the United States and, therefore, anticipated to react initially by bombing at Pearl Harbour. Moreover, as viewed, the United States sought Japan to willingly withdraw f...
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