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Steve Jobs: Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Innovation

Essay Instructions:

This mandatory paper is required of all seniors taking US History, and will be graded by both Ms. Thompson (historical content, quality of information & sources) and Ms. Hodges (writing quality, grammar, etc.). The purpose of this paper is to ensure that you are capable of college-level writing before graduating high school. The shortened time-frame for the assignment will also be helpful training for the type of cramming you’ll occasionally find it necessary to do in college.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Hi, there should be at least 3 sources per page, can you add them up please?Also, you cannot use things significant some in fact. And you need to add a title. Name Course Course Code Instructor Date Steve Jobs: Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Innovation An entrepreneur, designer and inventor, Steve Jobs is remembered for his role in revolutionizing the digital world. Jobs was born in 1955 to Wisconsin graduate students and later adopted by Paul Reinhold, a machinist where his interest in electronics would be nurtured (Bel 47). From an earlier age, Jobs showed a keen interest in electronics and machines. This would be the foundation of his long life career as a founder and visionary leader of Apple Inc. Today, Jobs is remembered as revolutionist who played a significant role in the development of personal computer and later mobile technology (Bell & Scott 114; Rigby, Kara & James 81). Essentially, Jobs helped engineer some of the startling turnarounds of twentieth century. This paper discusses Jobs’ career as and how he helped shape the history of technology in relation to the PC. While in high school, Jobs was offered an internship at Hewlett-Packard where he met Steve Wozniak. The two would later become co-founders of Apple. After high school, Jobs joined Reed College only to drop out after the first semester. His fascination with eastern spiritualism would later see him travel to India where he studied religion and eastern culture (Dhiman 13). After returning to the U.S, Jobs renewed his friendship with Wozniak who at the time was trying to develop a small computer. While to Wozniak this was a hobby, Jobs saw it as an opportunity of building a business. He convinced his friend of the potential of the idea and in 1975, they started a shop in his family’s garage and dubbed their new company Apple. The new venture was started with about 1, 350 dollars acquired by selling Job’s Volkswagen microbus and Wozniak’s Hewlett-Packard calculator (Bell & Scott 117). Sales from Apple 1 prototype gave the two entrepreneurs enough money to refine their design. Apple 11 was introduced in 1977 and this was the first PC with color graphics. The new computer was user friendly and was a tremendous success for the company, generating 200 million dollars two years after it was released. By 1980, there was increased competition mainly from IBM, which led to a decline in sales even after the release of Apple Macintosh. The turn of events saw Jobs clashing with Apple’s board of directors resulting to his ousting from the company. He would later sell his shares and resign in 1985. Using the money he earned from the sale of shares, Jobs started NeXT Computer and bought Pixar Animation Studios. The former would focus on developing computers that had high processing capabilities but the final product was expensive for the company to thrive (Bell 30). Jobs later switched his focus from hardware to software. He also made a deal ...
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