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A Real Story Behind The US 9/11 Terrorist Attack

Essay Instructions:

That's the most important essay in this year, which mostly decided student's junior year grade. Please treat it seriously.

This is a research essay. Students need to come up a debatable claim about the topic"Conspiracy of the 911 attack" And do research by themselves. Students need to provide the strong and good argument and provide a critical and thoughtful analysis to prove your argument.

The main thesis need try to be more specific.

Students have to analyze the evidence and facts.

Students have to use multiple sources. And cited it properly.

Students must include at least 2 perfect evidence from Professionally and reliable resources each paragraph!!!!!!!

I need a paragraph before May 7th. Just show the teacher that I have an outline and started my essay in a right track!!!!!!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
CONSPIRACY OR LAXITY? AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY ON THE REAL STORY BEHIND THE US 9/11 TERRORIST ATTACK A shocking and terrible news had shaken the world when Islamic extremists headed by Osama Bin Laden carried out suicide attacks against the United States last September 11, 2001. A total of 2,763 people died when the World Trade Center burnt and collapsed due to the crashing of the hi-jacked American Boeing 767 loaded with gallons of jet fuels into WTC’s Northern and Southern tower. Pentagon, which is an American military headquarter, also experienced the same violence when an American Flight Airline 77 do crash into its west side causing around 189 people to die from the structural collapse brought by the impact of the encounter. The foul play of the plane crashed in Pennsylvania which killed about 44 people has been another blow of offense on the US side on that same day (“9/11 Attacks”, 2018). It is asserted by historical experts that the 911 terrorist attack in the US is the deadliest event in the history of New York City encompassing a lot of structural damages and casualties based on historical research, investigation and findings. What might be surprising about this historical devastation was the incapacity of the United States to protect their territory from the threat of terrorism despite their strong military and powerful air forces known throughout the world. This is the reason why several people, particularly, the revisionist were in the fog of suspicion and doubt in regards to the real story behind the 911 terrorist attack. Does the US really lack the initiative to combat terrorism due to Bush laxity during his presidency? or Does 911 attack serve to be some sort of compelling conspiracy for the US’s hidden interest of invasion in the Middle East? In this article, various will be investigated and analyzed in order to understand the real story behind the 911 terrorist attack. Certain theories and scholarly investigations will also be discussed and justified in order to strengthen the argument that there was indeed a conspiracy behind the world’s most violent event of 2001 and the flaws of terror were also caused by the US administration in the light of promoting their own political agendas. The breakdown of the World Trade Center on both its Northern and Southern wings turned out to be one of the most talk-about conspiracy issues. The individual impact and series of explosions imparted first a large “local lateral force and then an omnidirectional force to the structures, thereby resulting into a massive initial damage to the columns and floor systems” (Ashley S., 2001). The structural integrity of World Trade Center Building destroyed by intense fire perpetrated by planes marked to be questionable to some Americans, particularly, conspiracy theorists due to several notions. For them, it is totally impossible that an impact of the jet through it carried engine fuels would widely disrupt 80 stories below unless it was affected by explosives such as concussion bombs. According to reports, the initial commandeered plane struck the 94th to the 98th floors of the North tower and the latter crashed the 78th to 84th levels of the South tower. However, as the “casualty report revealed, the lobby which was 80 floors beneath was greatly damaged too even before the tower collapse” (Ashley S., 2001). This simply intensifies the suspicion that a possible detonation of explosives in the ground happen concurrently as the plane slammed (Popular Mechanics, 2017). pre Theorist also found out that the weight of kerosene from the aircraft will not be able to ignite a fire immensely hot enough to melt steel leading to structural failure just like in World Trade Center. Although the deputy chief Vincent Dunn appealed that widespread structural failure may arise if steel frames lose even half of its strength due to too much heat reaching 1500oF, theorist found it still insufficient to break down extremely tall towers (Popular Mechanics, 2017). In fact, according to FEMA report of engineers who examined the integrity of the building, the steel bar-joist trusses and floor framing of the two towers were too complex that it took 240 steel columns around the perimeter to support the building. From the quality analysis report, it was also revealed that the supporting beams of the tower located at the lowest ground floors of WTC were not used by other establishments and even exceeded the standard requirements. Thus, it implied that the probability of hydrocarbon fires to suppress such quality to initiate an extensive structural devastation will be of least percentage and harder to imagine (Griffin, 2004). The management and coordination system of the United States government in response to the threat before, during, and after the 911 terrorist attack is another controversial issue that has been considered to supporting the argument of true conspiracy within the US Intelligence Community. Many prominent bureaucrats of Pres. George W Bush’s administration appealed that the 9/11 attack was completely unanticipated. Summary of report by the Intelligence committee also concluded that the threatened Osama Bin Laden confrontation was anticipated to take place in US interests overseas and not in the US itself. However, certain accounts showed that the possibility of attacks in the US was indeed envisioned but not taken seriously. For example, the report "Terror 2000" which was prepared by a board of specialists appointed by the Pentagon open the prospect of airplanes as missiles which can be used to detonate US heritage and national landmarks, yet not disseminated due to the interfering action of the Department of Defense. In a statement given by George Tenet, the Director of Central Intelligence, during the time of attacks also showed their prior acknowledgment of war with Al-Qaeda. It was quoted "even before September 2011, we knew that a resilient and devoted foe has an operational profundity against the US" (Ilardi, 2009). In addition, the blueprint of Project Bolinka that was recovered in an Al-Qaeda computer by the Philippine police also marked the discovery and hi...
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