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Why was freedom more an aspiration than a reality for most Americans during the interwar period? Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions carefully and use only sources from the textbooks that I provided, also pay attention to the chapters required. And the word limit is 900 words. Thank you!

Answer ONE of the following questions, using material drawn from Foner's Give Me Liberty, chapters 19 and 20, 21, and Foner's Voices of Freedom, 19 and 20, 21. Do not use sources other than the course text books.

In what ways did World War I transform American political, economic, and social institutions and practices?

To what extent were individualism and equality compatible in the field of economic policy in the United States 1920 and 1940?

Why was freedom more an aspiration than a reality for most Americans during the interwar period?

How successful was the United States at promoting freedom, democracy, and self-government around the world during the period 1920–40?

The word limit for your answer is 900 words.

Label your answer in compliance with the numbering system used above.

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The text must be double-spaced, using the serif typeface Times New Roman in 12 points font size.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Why was freedom more an aspiration than a reality for most Americans during the interwar period?
Foner, Eric. Voices Of Freedom: A Documentary History. 6th ed., W.W. Norton, pp. 120-315.
Freedom is something that is declared by the forces of society but ultimately, it is an inside feeling that allows one to be as himself and do what he likes to do in his life. The time of the interwar period was a period of major political and societal change. The Americans were at the center of this period as they involved themselves in the politics of other countries. The population of America was pushed by the government to subscribe to the policies and foreign agreements, some of which promoted war.
During the interwar period, plenty of areas in America were made to support the war industry, and big corporate business. One particular area as mentioned in the material is the region of Louisiana. This region experienced poverty and plenty of challenges during the interwar period. The quality of life of the people there were even reported as worse than in the slavery days. This was because the leaders and the land owners of these communities were taking the sugar bounty given by the government and using it for their own instead of distributing it to both white and black laborers of the land. (Foner) Many people were put into hard work but they were not given the resources, such as food, shelter and money which they deserved.
During the interwar period, America’s legislation was being changed in order to create a booming society and free citizens. However, many members of the state come from different nationalities. This meant that a part of the population were immigrants who were not able to speak or understand English. This meant that the government had to promote civic development which was inclusive of foreigners, so that they could acquire American ideals, and the English language. (Foner) Many workers, both men and women, did not have proper education. Also, the times of turmoil has redirected the people to work in factories and jobs for war efforts instead of education and hobbies. There was no freedom in that. People were coerced by the situation of their time to put their energy towards a war that would end plenty of lives.
The American quest for freedom had to start from their citizens. However, the American government were more concerned on imposing democracy and their foreign policy on other countries that showed a different belief. Many people were open to the idea that orderly social progress is possible only through the unrestricted freedom of opinion. It is through these opinions that understanding expands. However, many Americans were led by leader...
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