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Westward Expansion

Essay Instructions:

Westward Expansion Discussion


INITIAL posting must be a minimum of 250 words.

It is required that you complete your initial posting by Thursday at 12:00pm, and then you must post your 2 student responses by Sunday at 12:00pm.

Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event.

1) Read Soule's December 14, 1864, letter concerning the Sand Creek Massacre within the link provided.

2) Read pages 497 – 504 of the US History online textbook.

3) Read the provided YAWP readings.

4) Review the videos provided.

5) Review the AMERICAN WEST PowerPoint presentation provided.

Consider this:

Andrew Myrick, a trader and participant in the U.S.-Dakota War, said of the Natives and their suffering:

"So far as I am concerned, if they are hungry let them eat grass or their own dung."

"I have come to kill Indians, and believe it is right and honorable to use any means under God's heaven to kill Indians." — Colonel John Chivington who led the Sand Creek Massacre

Answer the following questions within your initial posting:

From the PowerPoint, what was your reaction to the before and after photos of the Native children at the Boarding Schools?

From the YAWP reading, Chief Joseph is broken. What is your reaction to his speech? Especially the last paragraph?

From the YAWP reading, why would the U.S. Gov’t want the American buffalo exterminated?

Why did the soldiers feel entitled to attack the Natives at Sand Creek even though they were flying the American flag and the surrender flag?

How is the mindset of the Doctrine of Discovery (Google it) evident in westward expansion and the continued treatment of Natives?

Indian Reservations have been called concentration camps by a few historians. Is this a better term than reservation? Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

What is your reaction to Andrew Myrick's quote?

What is your reaction to Col. Chivington's quote?

Can a country expand its borders without first committing genocide? Support your argument. Is it possible to colonize a new land without destroying the inhabitants? Explain.

In your response postings: Do you agree or disagree with your fellow students' postings? Why or why not? Support your opinions.






Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor’s Name:
Westward Expansion
I was shocked by the before and after photos of the Native children at the Boarding Schools. The pictures showed the destruction of the Native American identity in the name of progress. In this regard, the Europeans did not respect the traditions and the culture of the Native Americans and instead sought to replace them using education. My reaction to Chief Joseph’s speech was a feeling of sadness as he lamented how he had lost his tribesmen. In addition, he also highlights how meeting government leaders was not helpful to his quest for justice. Chief Joseph’s last paragraphs reminds me the famous words of Martin Luther King, where he dreams of a united America.
The government would have wanted the buffalo exterminated because it catered to the basic needs of the Native Americans. Exterminating the buffalo would cause the Native Americans to become dependent on the government, which would make it easier to control them. On a similar note, the soldiers felt entitled to attack the Natives at Sand Creek because of a variety of reasons. First, the constant raids and attacks by the warriors of Native Americans made the soldiers angry and willing to kill the Natives. The anger made the solder lose their formation and they instead became an angry mob.
The D...
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