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The Truth Behind Lynching

Essay Instructions:

Urbanization Discussion


INITIAL posting must be a minimum of 250 words.

RESPONSE postings must be a minimum of 150 words.

It is required that you complete your initial posting by Thursday at 12:00pm, and then you must post your 2 student responses by Sunday at 12:00pm.

Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event.

1) Read the provided YAWP readings.

2) Review the videos provided.

3) Read about the Great Migration on pages 548 – 550 of the US History online textbook.

4) Review the Nadir of Race PowerPoint presentation.

5) Read the Mildred Lewis Rutherford article provided.

Answer the following questions within your initial posting:

From the YAWP readings, why would Henry Grady claim in 1866 that a New South “of union and freedom” had emerged?

In what ways does Ida B. Walls-Barnett challenge Grady’s claims?

Name a modern-day Ida B. Wells and explain why you thought of them.

What impact did the Great Migration have on the United States, socially, economically, and racially?

As of January, 2021, the United States does not have a law against lynching. Why?

Do some research on your own.

Explain how today's racially charged events are the mature fruit of seeds planted in the past. 

As of January 2019:

OKC is 60% Non-White

90% of the city's leaders are white.

70% of those leaders are white males.

What do we need to do, as private citizens, to ensure our governmental leadership reflects the diversity of the population? (Hint: "Vote" is not enough of an answer.)

As seen in the "A Measuring Rod to Test Text Books, and Reference Books in Schools, Colleges and Libraries" in the early 1900s, Mildred Lewis Rutherford, along with the United Daughters of the Confederacy, began the process of re-writing the history of the Civil War and slavery itself! They then got THEIR VERSION of our history published in classroom textbooks!

Several generations were erroneously taught, from these school textbooks, that said slavery was NOT the cause of the Civil War but the cause was the fight for "states' rights." Ask your grandparents or even your parents, what caused the Civil War. You cannot get away from slavery being the cause of the Civil War.

What is your reaction to the article quoting Rutherford about the conditions of slaves? They “were the happiest set of people on the face of the globe, free from care or thought of food, clothes, home.”

Many grew up being taught that slavery was “the happiest time of the negroes’ existence. The slave was a member of the family, often a privileged member. He was the playmate, brother, exemplar, friend, and companion of the white man from cradle to grave.”

Did these beliefs and teachings lead to systemic racism and the widespread passage of the Jim Crow Laws? Explain.

In your response postings: Do you agree or disagree with your fellow students' postings? Why or why not? Support your opinions.








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Peer Replies
Respond 1
Your post is detailed. Indeed, Ida B. Wells was a charismatic woman. She stated the truth about lynching, a practice that discriminated against other members of society. It is a practice that still goes on in the contemporary world under different captions. The example you mentioned about the murder of George Floyd is one of the lynching incidences that received public attention. However, several other lynching incidences go unnoticed because it is deep in American society that other people think it is a usual practice. I would like to emphasize your fifth paragraph about why America does not have lynching laws in place yet. I agree that Senator of Kentucky Rand Paul objected to the passing of the bill by the senate, but looking at it closely, I think the senate is failing the Americans. The Senate leadership has not invested ...
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