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The Great War Discussion

Essay Instructions:

I ordered 2 pages. One page is for the initial essay of at least 250 words on the Great war discussion. And the other page will be for 2 students response of at least 150 words each. i will send to you the 2 students discussions later after i post mine. Thank you








INITIAL posting must be a minimum of 250 words.

RESPONSE postings must be a minimum of 150 words.

Please word your discussion postings in such a manner as to challenge and encourage your fellow classmates, using respectful, college-level language.

It is required that you complete your initial posting by THURSDAY at 12:00pm, and then you must post your 2 responses by SUNDAY at 12:00pm.

Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event.

1) Read the provided YAWP readings.

2) Review the video provided.

3) Read about “Controlling Dissent” on pages 670 – 673 of the US History online textbook.

4) Read about the ACLU on pages 704 – 707 of the US History online textbook.

Answer the following questions within your initial posting:

Did the family feud amongst Queen Victoria's descendants provide a catalyst to the war? Explain.

From the YAWP readings, consider President Wilson’s speech to Congress asking for a war declaration, Emma Goldman’s court statement on patriotism, and W.E.B. DuBois “Returning Soldiers.” Do the experiences / ideas of Goldman and DuBois challenge the notion that America stood for Right and Democracy? Support your thinking.

During WWI, German-Americans were attacked for speaking their native language and a few were murdered. German breed dogs were also poisoned and tortured.

After WWI, schools in the U.S. stopped offering German language classes and speaking English only became a symbol of patriotism.

Illogical fear is unfortunately something we continue to see today. Give some examples of this. Do we continue to see similar acts of illogical fear occurring today? Explain.

How did the war change the lives of women and African Americans as a result of their participation in WWI? What new opportunities were opened up to them?

What aspects of the Treaty of Versailles laid the groundwork for Germany's hatred of the treaty?

Did the Treaty of Versailles plant the seeds of WWII? Explain.

Could President Wilson’s crusade for “the principles of peace and justice” have seemed like hypocrisy in light of social and racial realities in the United States? Explain.

Why did so many race riots / race massacres occur during and immediately after WWI?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
World War 1
Response To the First Student’s Post
In the 1st student’s initial posting, the student provided a brief history of how Queen Victoria arranged her Grandchildren's marriages. When the student suggests that the Feud between the three cousins led to the War, the student appears to be arguing that these three Kings had the constitutional powers to start or stop wars as they liked. I would, however, like to push back against the claim that the Feud between three of her grandchildren led to World War 1. Instead, I suggest that other influential factors influenced the War. These factors included the need for national pride and military glory.
I am afraid I have to disagree with the student's claim that the ideas and experiences of Goldman and Dubois did not challenge the notion that America stood for right and democracy. Dubois was disturbed about how Americans treated him based on his skin color. He once stated that “… I shall not go to the polls. I believe that democracy has so far disappeared in the United States.”
While I disagreed with student one on the previous points, I agree with the student's input that illogical fear is still witnessed today and that some good resulted from the War since it provided opportunities for advancement for both women and African Americans.
Another main point that the student left out was ...
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