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Industrialization Discussion

Essay Instructions:


INITIAL posting must be a minimum of 250 words.

RESPONSE postings must be a minimum of 150 words.

It is required that you complete your initial posting by Thursday at 12:00pm, and then you must post your 2 student responses by Sunday at 12:00pm.

Your postings are your reactions and educated opinions, NOT merely a retelling of the historical event.

1) Read pages 516 – 519 and 522 – 530 of the US History online textbook.

2) Review the videos provided.

3) Read the provided YAWP readings.

4) Review the PowerPoints provided.

Answer the following questions within your initial posting:

From the YAWP readings, consider William Graham Sumner’s thoughts on Social Darwinism and Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth. How do Sumner and Carnegie differ on their responses to the extreme economic inequality of the late 1800s?

How does Carnegie’s version of “civilization” compare to yours?

Do you agree or disagree with Carnegie’s words: “Neither the individual nor the race is improved by almsgiving.” Why?

How would paying workers higher wages, which would afford them "greater leisure time" and more spending money, profit society as a whole?

What surprised you the most from the video of the Statue of Liberty being assembled?

What methods did the schools use to Americanize the immigrants?

During this era of big business and rapid industrial growth, why did the rich continue to get richer and the poor just get poorer? Explain the continued growth of the wealth gap during this era.

Do you agree or disagree with your fellow students' postings? Why or why not? Support your opinions.






Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Industrialization Discussion
William Graham Sumner believes that economic inequalities and competition are only natural and that it is the responsibility of the rich to distribute their excess wealth for the good of society (The American Yawp Reader). On the other hand, Andrew Carnegie had a slight disparity from Sumner’s thought. According to Carnegie, the world was in a uniform kind of economy until civilization came about (The American Yawp Reader). Therefore, he believed that extreme economic inequality came with civilization, while Sumner says it existed even before civilization.
I disagree with Carnegie that civilization brought economic inequalities. I believe that inequalities existed even before civilization. That is why we had family and societal leaders who were entrusted to bring sanity into society. The man was and still is the head of the family institution since the inception of human life.
I agree with Carnegie that “Neither the individual nor the race is improved by almsgiving.” Giving is good, but it helps only for a short time. Once the aid is over, the person or community that received the aid goes back to their initial time when they did not have enough. Instead of helping by donating the excess, the vulnerable should be taught a long-term reproduction ...
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