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The Komagata Maru voyage

Essay Instructions:
You need to read through the website, and then write a review of it. You are trying to assess its historical arguments, and its evidence. Again, your essay should not be a summary, but instead should try to judge the effectiveness of the historical content and the style of the website. http://komagatamarujourney(dot)ca/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name of student Institution Course Instructor Date due The Komagata Maru voyage of 1914 has been acknowledged as one of the most infamous events in Canadian history. 376 immigrants from British India were denied entry into Canada due to a law requiring a continuous journey. The Indians had made stop over’s along their voyage and therefore it was deemed unlawful for them to gain entry (Kazimi 2). The ship was turned away after a two months stand-off and forced to return to India where the passengers were shot at, killing some of them and others taken as prisoners. The passengers had fought in the British army and therefore believed they had the right to gain entry and settle here. They claimed that “they were determined to make that a test case and if they were denied entry, the matter would not end there” (Johnson 37). It seemed discriminatory action against the Indians as Canada had allowed about 400,000 immigrants in the previous year.  HYPERLINK "http://komagatamarujourney" http://komagatamarujourney is a website dedicated to providing comprehensive information about the voyage and life in Vancouver. The website has a clear layout that is easy to understand. The topics have been well arranged and there are various ways of accessing the information and it is easy to navigate through. The website uses programs that make the information easily accessible including to the visually impaired who use a screen reading aid. It a well researched and comprehensive website. On the home page, the website has headings on top of the screen where information is organized thematically across different types of media. On the left hand side, there is a search box and topics with more information. The introduction is clear for the reader who begins to understand what the komagata maru is and what it means for Canadian history. There are various supporting material that give the readers a greater understanding of events and provide a wide perspective (Kazimi, 2). The incident is well introduced and explained. The supporting evidence includes letters, newspaper clippings, and copies of leases. These letters are from government authorities such as letter from E. S. Busby, Department of customs to Malcolm Reid commending his work, letter from Malcolm Reid to W.D. Scott on Dr. Davidchands plan to bring in sixty Hindus, letter from Malcolm Reid to W.D. Scott about the arrival of the ‘Panama Maru’ at Victoria and necessity for appointment of an assistant Hindu interpreter. The letters are an important tool ...
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