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Second Required Reading And Response Assignment History Essay

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Second required reading and response assignment
James A. Colaiaco focused on Martin Luther King, Jr’s nonviolent direct action to address injustices against blacks in the US, and how he was able to achieve this in the "Letter from Birmingham Jail." King highlighted the usefulness of the nonviolent direct action strategy and in doing so dramatized the issue that more people began to take notice. When there was a violent response against demonstration it validated his observations that Southern racism posed a grave danger to the peace and security of the nation, and the media’s attention to reprisals against nonviolence was a victory for the civil rights movement, as it showed the ugly side of racism to a wider audience.
Colaiaco (1) pointed out that the letter was written at a time of political uncertainty, and even as there were setbacks along the way, including the polarized political climate and growing threat of violence, King’s actions were successful. The nonviolent strategy exposed the evils of racism, and when King was placed in jail, I was increasingly clear that this was for political reasons. To support equality and justice for blacks, he needed to create awareness to a broader audience about segregation and racism in Birmingham and the US South. He articulated the aspirations of black Americans in the 1960s, while supporting demonstrations as wise and timely.
King was successful in defending the campaign of civil disobedience to both the clergy and the wider audience as he called for the end segregation in Birmingham, Alabama and unjust laws that held back blacks To Colaiaco (17) King was right that there was no absolute obligation to absolute the unjust laws, and civil disobedience was justified to achieve justice. Colaiaco was persuasive as he evaluated Dr. King’s actions...
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