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Discussion of 3 Functions of the United States Government

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POL midterm

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Midterm Assignment
* Discuss at least 3 functions of the United States government.
The functions of the US government are engrained in the constitution. The United States is a representative democracy and it is government by the rule of law with explicit directions on the functions and the purpose of the government CITATION Joa12 \l 1033 (Hames & Ekern, 2012).
To establish Justice
The rule of law is very important for American democracy and government. Lack of it thereof leads to the establishment of an anarchy. In an anarchy, hardly any social, economic, cultural or political development is possible because the people do not have a central governing body that administers justice. The government acts as a referee to its citizens and resolves and or determines their conflicts based on the United States Constitution. Everyone is equal before the law and that sense of equality and protection from exploitation and or discrimination is a fundamental function of the United States government. Locally, the judicial branch helps to establish justice. Every American citizen is entitled to a fair trial. The judicial system is one of the main arms of the government which primarily is tasked to fulfill this function (administration of justice to all people). There are many cases that have been determined in American courts to support this fundamental function of the government.
To ensure domestic Tranquility
Security is paramount to any citizen. It is the work of the government to ensure the safety of each citizen and their property. Security is provided through the department of defense which protects the country from external attacks and internal security department which protects the citizens and their property from attacks on their soil. The government spends a lot of monies one this function because the society cannot prosper if there is no peace. The department of internal security and department of defense are primarily tasked to carry out this function. In one case where the US government sought to establish justice and avenge an attack done on American soil is when Bush administration attacked Iraq after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack.
To promote the general Welfare
The government has to provide a conducive environment and opportunities to all citizens to prosper. The government, therefore, builds the necessary infrastructure and institutes framework for the necessary processes for development such as education to enable the people to be more productive and enhance the quality of their lives. General welfare also encompasses ensuring that the people are not exploited by the government and or corporations and or powerful individuals. It also ensures that the economy keeps running smoothly to sustain development and quality of life for all citizens. One application of this function is through conducting free and fair elections and letting the people choose their representatives in government who would represent their interests. Also, the infrastructural projects carried by the government are in the interest of general welfare function of the government.
* Discuss the key events that occurred at the Federal Convention in May to September of 1787focusing on Virginia and the New Jersey Plans.
The constitutional convention was convened in Philadelphia to discuss the challenges that had rocked the young United States under the Articles of Confederation constitution adopted earlier when they received independence CITATION AET10 \l 1033 (A&E Television Networks, 2010). During the Convention which lasted a few months, there were several proposals which were tabled and deliberated upon. The main contrasting proposals on the issue were the New Jersey plan which was championed by William Paterson and the Virginia plan which was tabled by James Madison.
First, the Virginia plan which was tabled by James Madison proposed both houses of the legislature should be represented proportionately to the population of the states. The Legislature would be represented proportionally based on their population in a true ‘democratic way. the main aim of the Virginia plan was to ensure the bigger states did not bulldoze their ways because of higher representation in the congress. In his proposal, the lower house was to be elected by the people and the upper house was elected by the lower house. In the proposed Virginia plan, the executive branch would also be solely established to ensure that the will of the legislature was carried out and therefore it was selected by the legislature. Those who objected this plan felt that the big stares would bully the small states because of their numbers. Additionally, the plan detailed a three branched government; the executive, judiciary and legislature which would make a strong central government. According to the Virginia plan, representation in the legislature was to be in proportion of taxes paid to the national government, or in proportion to the free population of each state which smaller state objected as they would have less powers in the house. It rooted for national supremacy where the legislature had the power to override state laws.
On the other hand, William Paterson had a different idea. He proposed a unicameral legislature with one vote per state a position that reflected the belief that the states were inde...
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