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The Functions Of The United States Government History Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose any THREE questions that you want. Choose ONLY THREE. For EACH ONE you choose, write an essay of about TWO TO THREE TYPED, DOUBLE-SPACED MLA STYLE PAGES. In each case, pay close attention to the actual question. Your FINAL PRODUCT SHOULD BE ABOUT SIX TO NINE PAGES IN TOTAL. YOU MAY USE ONE MLA HEADING, AND THE TITLE CAN BE MIDTERM EXAMINATION, AND PLEASE USE MLA PAGE NUMBERING. [You may, of course, use an MLA heading for each question if you prefer]. MLA STYLE REQUIRES DOUBLE-SPACING THROUGHOUT.

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Professor’s Name:
Midterm Examination
Discuss the functions of the United States government. Point out at least three functions of the American government and give precise examples of each. Be specific. Which of the three that you have chosen to discuss do you think is the most important? Why?
The United States government has several functions which are enshrined and highlighted in the constitution. However, this essay will focus on only three which include establishing justice, providing for the common defense, and ensuring domestic tranquility.
Establishing justice means that it is the duty of the government to protect all the law-abiding citizens and to punish all those who breach the law. The arm or branch of the government that is tasked with establishing justice is the Judiciary. The judiciary establishes justice by interpreting laws, applying laws to individual cases, and deciding on cases where certain laws are deemed to be in breach of the constitution. For example, after the shocking Charleston church shooting, the perpetrator, Dylann Roof was sentenced to death by lethal injection by Judge Gergel (Shah and McLaughlin). Judge Gergel was establishing justice and making sure that Dylann Roof was punished for breaching the law.
To provide for common defense simply means that the government is tasked with protecting the citizens from domestic and external threats. For example, the government had to invade Iraq and Afghanistan to fight Al-Qaeda and to capture Osama bin Laden. The aim of taking these measures was to guarantee protection against any internal or external threats as had been experienced in 2001.
Finally, the government is also tasked with ensuring domestic tranquility. This means that the government is tasked with the role of ensuring that people are having a peaceful, happy, and calm life. Well, this is closely related to the provision for the common defense because, in both, the government is trying to ensure that the people enjoy life and pursue their dreams uninterrupted. A good example of ensuring domestic tranquility is the passing of the Patriot Act in October 2001. Apparently, this act allows federal officials greater authority and access to information in the spirit of gathering evidence against any potential threats.
Of these three functions, I believe the provision for the common defense is the most important. If the government fails to protect the nation from external and internal threat, there may not be a judiciary to help establish justice or federal officials to ensure domestic tranquility. I believe that everything begins with the protection the government offers. Without the government’s presence and involvement in quashing the efforts of a group like Al-Qaeda, there might have been other devastating attacks or interruptions which might have caused more damage than the initial attack. So, I believe that the provision of common defense is the most important function.
Discuss the key events that occurred at the Federal Convention in May to September of 1787. Focus on explaining the highlights of the Virginia and the New Jersey Plans. What happened? What is the exact structure of the American government? Be specific.
The American Constitution which established the federal government and guaranteed certain rights to the citizens was signed on September 17th, 1787. Well, the Articles of Confederation had been found wanting with its main weakness being a weak national government. So, having seen the danger of having a weak national government, Alexander Hamilton decided to call for a constitutional convention and his idea was endorsed by the Confederation Congress which invited the 13 states. These states were required to send delegates to Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence had been signed more than a decade earlier.
The intention of the meeting was to deliberate on the way forward and the first order of business came through what was known as the Virginia Plan. The Virginia Plan had been drafted by James Madison and his main point was that America needed a strong national government and that the branches of the legislature were to be shared or divided based on population. In the plan, the national government had the power to act or legislate in all cases and issues where the states were deemed incompetent.
However, delegates from smaller states were not willing to grant the national government more power. So, on June 14th, William Paterson presented the New Jersey Plan which was a counter plan to what had been drafted by James Madison. Unlike the Virginia Plan which soug...
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