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An Evening with Ernesto B. Vigil, the Crusade of Justices

Essay Instructions:
The paper should be based on "People of Color in the American West" by Chan, Sucheng, Daniels, Henry Daniels, Garcia, Mario T, Wilson, Terry P. 1994 chapter 4. It needs to be written using 1-inch margins, single space, font size 12, and Times New Roman with minimum of 700-word count( summarize500words, critique analysis 200words ). The paper should identify 2 articles from the chapter, summarize and do a critique analyze of them both. The article names should be bold.
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An Evening with Ernesto B. Vigil, the Crusade of Justices
United States of America is a country full of diversity. It has always been referred to as the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yet, to date some of the citizens in the US do not feel as free as they should. Sometime it makes no sense, but the reality of the matter is social stratification, racial discrimination is still persistent in our society. Ernesto B. Vigil, a vital member of the crusade for justice, offered valuable insights to this topic, especially directed to Mexicans. He pointed out how the Mexicans have been discriminated in society despite serving the country selflessly. During the 2nd World War, they enrolled in huge numbers to go fight in the war. Furthermore, they also enrolled to go fight in the Vietnam War. In fact he personally thought of enlisting to the army only for the opportunity to attend college presented itself sooner. He further went to argue that, contrary to popular belief, the Mexicans never crossed the border. They maintain that it is the border that crossed them. Well documented facts stretch all the way to the 1600’s when Ernesto’s ancestors lived in the US. He had documents dated back as the 1600’s and 1700’s that were presented to people once they purchased land. Furthermore; American History syllabus is evidence enough of the presence of Mexicans way before US gained its own independence. The documents Ernesto had are older than the declaration of Independence a fact that gives them more credibility. Having being regarded as ‘outsiders’, the Mexicans have had to suffer the brunt of the law as mostly they are depicted as illegal immigrants. A number of problems have raised themselves since this tag ‘immigrants’ was placed on the face of Mexicans. They have had to live with constant police harassments, the ladies have suffered countless rape episodes, the men have suffered extrajudicial killings, and others have had to carry permanent scars on their bodies just to remind the of the position they occupy in society. The Mexicans have been poorly represented in the American Congress with only 4 Mexicans representing them in 1967. It was also during this period that the Cabinet Committee on Mexican Issues was formed to help them solve there special problems. Amongst the problems as has been seen were, poor representation in the American Congress. Furthermore, education was a big problem with only a half of American Mexicans having less than e...
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