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Opinion on US Constitution

Essay Instructions:
3 page opinion paper on the US Constitution, need to be MLA format, can't use wikipedia as a source. At least 2 sources. Thesis Statement below. May adjust as needed. My opinion of the constitution is that I believe the constitution protects us because it sets fair form of government and rules which all branches must abide by, gives us the freedoms which we get from the bill of rights, and in its entirety it is a document that is the backbone of the US of America.
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Opinion on US Constitution
The United States has the oldest written Constitution which has been continuously in operation for over 200 years. The amendments introduced in the Constitution over the years have made this revolutionary document more effective. The Constitution was written by the people who only a few years ago had won independence. This document had given a new thought to Americans which created a sense of protection for their rights. According to Stephens and Scheb (2011), one of the principal objectives of the US Constitution is to protect liberty of the people. “The founders were heavily influenced by the theory of natural rights, in which rights are seen as inherently belonging to individuals, not as created by government.” (Stephens & Scheb 3) The Constitution starts with a short introduction which is called Preamble. Next come seven Articles and 27 Amendments. The first ten of amendments came with the Bill of Rights.
The Article 5 of the US Constitution provides for amending it, specifying how amendments can be introduced. With the growth of the country, the lawmakers of the country introduced gradual alteration in the Constitution. Decisions announced by the US Supreme Court over the years became basis for 26 amendments. The first 10 amendments in the US Constitution, which constitute the Bill of Rights, were introduced within two years of the signing of the federal Constitution in order to ensure adequate guarantees of individual liberties. These are the amendments which made the United States a country for all races and religions and created a true sense of freedom among the people. Hayek and Hamowy (2011) are of the view that the Bill of Rights is most important addition in the Constitution which provides protection against unjust and oppressive conduct. They said people who had earlier opposed the idea of the Bills of Right soon realized it should be the part of the Constitution. “It was soon recognized that the Constitution was bound to confer on government powers which might be used to infringe individual rights if these were not specially protected and that, since some such rights had already been mentioned in the body of the Constitution.” (Hayek and Hamowy 276) The Bill of Rights applied only to the federal government. But since the introduction of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868, many of the guarantees contained in the Bill of Rights have been extended to the states through the ‘due process’ clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
The United States is the country where people of all religions have rights. People are free to go their churches, synagogues, mosques or any other place of worship. The First Amendment in the Constitution guarantees the freedom of worship, of speech, of the press, of assembly, and of petition to the government for...
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