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White and Black Labor in the Early Virginia

Essay Instructions:
What made the enslavement of Africans in the 17th century different from previous forms of slavery? Discuss two ways in which Africans resisted enslavement. Compare and contrast White and Black labor in early Virginia during the seventeenth century? How did Whites gain their "freedom" and how did Black succumb to the "Chains of bondage?" How did the church, schools, and political parties assist African American transition to freedom? How did White Southerners limit the freedom of former slaves? Answer the questions by referencing Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror. Little, Brown and Company. 2009 or key terms of 15th amendment, 1851 Land Act, Black Codes, 13th Amendment, Jim Crow Laws, 14th Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation. Do no use the internet to find answers. Minimum of 4 key terms and concept used within the essay.
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White and Black Labor in the Early Virginia
Overview and Summery

The essay highlights important issues that relate to slavery in the British colony of Virginia in the seventeenth century. Enslaving of white Englishmen most of who were running away from crimes they committed in their homeland was common. They signed indenture contracts and were paid wages for the services rendered while working in Tobacco farms.
The increased demand for labor force, declining supply of white indenture and rebellion from white servants led to the introduction of black slavery in Virginia. The number of black slavery grew rapidly between 1640s and 1680s. However, they were subjected to racial prejudices by their masters and mistresses. In their efforts to resist discrimination, they devised different ways to resist their enslavement.
The brutal slavery laws in Virginia and other British colonies helped propagate slavery and racial discrimination against non- white population. Churches, although initially supported slavery, later in eighteenth century became one of the major opponents of acts of slavery. They advocated for equality among all people and campaigned against all forms of slavery and racial discrimination.
Schools also played a crucial role of educating black children after it was abolished (slavery) in all American states in 18th century. However, there were efforts by the white southerners (who previously depended on slavery) to restrict newly acquired freedom by the black population. Their efforts did not succeed as blacks used the little freedom they had to fight for social and economic equality with white their counterparts.
However, the allegedly marginalized race has proven itself capable of succeeding in the face of enormous tyranny and oppression. The 15th amendment of the constitution was enacted to give all citizens the right to vote and equal freedom. It intended to bring an end to slavery and bring in a brand new equalized reality.
It is important to note that, although racist whites tried to limit freedoms of black people, they could not hope to get rid of them entirely.  All they truly succeeded in doing was making the realization of an inevitable ideal, a violent and depressed process instead of an era worthy of this country’s ideals of freedom. 
Historians have traced enslavement of Africans in Virginia to early 17th century. A small number of Africans are said to have lived in Virginia way before 1619. However, black slavery started providing extensive labor in plantations in later years. The number of black slaves increased gradually from 150 in 1640s to over 10,000 slaves in the tear 1704.
Until 1780s, a number of white servants were adequately providing labor force in Virginia and Maryland. The supply of white servants began to fall in mid seventeenth century with a sharp decline being experienced in mid 1760s due to reduced birth rate among the white population which resulted in increased wage rates occasioned by low labor supply.
To replenish declining labor force, planters turned to enslaved Africans most of who were coming from Africa, Barbados and Caribbean colonies. Racial based slavery began in early 1630s and later, the Virginia court adopted laws to denigrate black people.
The court in Virginia legalized slavery in 1661 and a year later ruled that children born in the colony will be free or slaves according to the condition of the mother. The new laws proscribed interracial marriages, intersexual relations and deprived black people rights to own property among other forms of racial discrimination.
By the year 1750s, 70% of black people in Virginia were slaves mainly from West Africa who travelled 60 to 90 days to the new world through the middle passage. Many slaves however rebelled as they were being transported. The slave trade resulted in the loss of millions of lives and hundreds of years.
Differences in slavery of seventeenth century and slavery before seventeenth century
The status of black slaves in the early seventeenth century was complex in Virginia with some permanently unfree and others indentured servants. They could own property, intermarry and could even testify against whites in courts of law.
Those who were baptized could sue for their freedom including those who were permanently not free. Black people were even allowed to purchase and own white servants and there was surprisingly high degree of tolerance in sexual interrelations and intermarriages across racial lines.
However slavery in the 17th century was characterized by racial discrimination with blacks being degraded by laws. They were deprived of rights to own properties and have interracial marriages with whites. Interracial sexual relationships were completely banned in 17th century. Unlike in previous years, in the seventeenth century, being baptised as a Christian could no longer free a black slave. Blacks could no longer travel without written permission unlike in the period before seventeenth century.
Brutal laws were imposed, with Virginia being the first colony to pass laws that permitted killing of disobedient black slaves during the normal course of punishment and ratified laws barring slave masters and mistresses from freeing their slaves. The new laws legalized slavery and allowed brutal punishment against slaves, where black slaves were stripped naked and whipped by their white masters. Slavery was defined by race and perpetuated through heredity.
Two ways in which Africans resisted enslavement
The common form of resisting slavery that was employed by blacks was termed as ‘day-to- day’ resistance which comprised small acts of rebellion against their masters. This included acts of sabotage like breaking and damaging tools and buildings. They would set buildings on fire and constantly strike owners properties to inflict damages.
In other cases, slaves could even poison their masters and mistresses. For instance, there was poisoning case by a woman household slave in Charleston, South Carolina in 1755, this being just one case among many others.
Another form adopted by black slaves in day-to-day resistance were faking of illness, playing dumb and go slow in work performances with both men and women faking illness to gain relief from white prejudices. Slaves could also play on their masters and mistress...
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