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Reading Response History Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

Write one page for each article

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Reading Response
Article One
"The Cultural Burden of Architecture" by Baydar (2004) explores the link between architecture and culture. The article presents excellent insights on the topic. The author appreciates that the difference between art and culture is founded on negating the notion of culture as a stable system of reference. According to the argument, the issue is based on the post culturalism and psychoanalytical theories. Baydar insists that the cultural systems are created based on pronunciation and discontinuation. The article is a significant critique of the effects of the colonial regime. The author strives to make sense of the colonial era, unsettled following the disciplinary and cultural approach.
The article helps understand that articulating the critique of architecture is based on culture's discipline and concept. The view depends on history, which dictates the constitution and calls for the relationship between architecture and culture (Baydar, 20). The article's views show how art can be used as a medium to express specific cultural aspects. Moreover, the article's insights match various artists' desires whose works and paintings were deemed to explore their cultures. This article's arguments can reflect Greek and Rome cultures, whose main beliefs and traditions are expressed through artworks. The author's concerns do not define architecture to account for the range of cultural locations. However, the author keenly attempts to show the existence of links between art and culture. Architecture, moreover, is based on specific material, design, and language. Such elements are dependent on cultural or traditional designs, materials, or language. This explains why the imp...
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