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Amendment to the Constitution History Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Review the 27 amendments that have been made to the Constitution since it was ratified in 1791. Which of these 27 amendments do you believe is the most important, or most interesting, change to the original Constitution. When was this amendment made to the US Constitution? Why was this amendment made to the US Constitution? What were the circumstances that brought about the need for this amendment?

This written assignment should be 2-3 pages long.

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Some of the Most Consequential US Constitutional Amendments
When the US constitution was written in 1787, the framers of the constitution, albeit visionary could not anticipate the needs of the country in the centuries to come. Therefore, they described the process to amend the constitution to match the needs of the country as it grew. Ever since the constitution has been amended 27 times. Some of the amendments have been consequential, and they have changed the course of history.
19th Amendment
One of the most consequential amendment was the 19th amendment. All states have ratified the amendment. It was passed by the congress on June 4th 1919 and ratified on August 18th 1920. The 19th amendment sought to give women the right to vote. It states that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. It is unimaginable to think that nearly half of the US adult population was not given the right to vote. The amendment was crucial in onboarding and allowing all women to participate in a democratic process that the nation was founded.
The origin of the 19th amendment can be traced back to the women suffrage movement that had started a few decades earlier. The movement sought to amend the constitution to allow women to vote. Earlier in 1875, in the supreme court in the case Minor v Happersett, the court ruled that being a citizen alone did not give women the right to vote. While the court ruled against the movement, the struggle to give women the right to vote did not die out. Eventually, in 1919 after World War I, the culmination of many decades of pushing for women enfranchisement led to the 19th amendment.
This amendment has been consequential as it has been key in getting many women in office. It is...
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