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Nationalism-Related Events in Western and Eastern Europe

Essay Instructions:

100 Points Long Essay

This is a formal essay of 500-2,000 words that should have 1 inch margins, 12 point type, double space and with correct spelling, grammar, etc. (no bibliography required, but parenthetical references must be made). In order to receive full credit, you must synthesize primary source readings, the textbook, the PowerPoints, and your in-class notes. DO NOT CONSULT THE INTERNET EXCEPT FOR REFERENCES ON BLACKBOARD AND THE HALSALL SITE.

If you cut and paste from any source to the extent that turnitin.com shows a 25% or more similarity with other sources (excluding quotes), you will receive a 0 for the essay. You are encouraged to watch the video on paraphrasing to aid you in your writing If too much of your essay is in quotes, it will be marked down a letter grade. That is, you need to paraphrase some of your essay, but above all, you need to utilize your critical thinking skills with accuracy.

Use short, parenthetical references at the end of each paragraph separated by a semi-colon. Likewise, use one short, parenthetical reference for each quote. Examples: Text, pg#; PPT 21A, slide #; Marx & Engels.

Remember that quotes may ONLY derive from primary sources. That is, you may not quote textbook or notes. Also, such notes should be short and significant.

In your response, be sure to use the 5 Ws and an H: who, what, where, when, why and how.

Here is the essay question.
Premise: It has been said that the time from the 1870s to the 1990s was marked by short-term changes amid long-term continuity for Eastern and Western Europe.
Select one of the topic choices below as your focus for examining this assertion. To what extent is this premise correct?
In your response, discuss a significant event/ idea/ movement, etc. as proof for each of the following time frames: 1868-1914, 1933-1945, and 1990-1995.
What short-term changes do you notice? At the same time, what was the long-term continuity?
Topic Choices (select only one):
Empire-building Nationalism
Social Movements
(Discussion of any other topic will not be read. It will be as if you did not write that portion.)

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History Essay
Today's Europe continent results from history and events that helped shape it. The history essay paper will feature events between the 1870s and 1990s in Western and Eastern Europe to reflect the short-term changes within long-term continuity for the Europe continent. These events are in the context of nationalism, which was prevalent during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Europe. The events covered for the specific timeframe are the Franco-Prussian War, World War II, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Nationalism-Related Events between the 1870s and 1990s in Western and Eastern Europe
           The Franco-Prussian War encompassed a battle that involved the North German confederation headed by the Prussian kingdom and the empire in France. The conflict happened for close to a year. Specifically, the war started in July 1870 and ended in January the following year. Other names that described this war were the German-Franco war, while other individuals within France called it the War of 1870s. France's efforts to re-establish its central position in the European region were the primary trigger that stimulated the battle between the two sides, hence leading to war. It had lost its position after Prussia outdid Austria in the mid-19th century. Some historical sources reveal that Otto Bismarck, a former chancellor in Prussia, was responsible for provoking the French to fight Prussia. The main driver for the war decision against Prussia was to consider self-governing German states – Bavaria, Darmstadt, Baden, and Wurttemberg to be part of the North German Confederation. Other historical facts inform that Bismarck utilized the situations as they disclosed. However, there is no disagreement that the former chancellor acknowledged the possibility of emergent German coalitions, provided the condition in its entirety. France organized an army for the war, resulting in North German Confederation reacting to its army deployment later. The parliament in France voted and approved the war on 16 July 1870 against Prussia, and France attacked German territory the following month on the 2nd.
           After World War I ended in 1918, the instability created an opportunity for World War II's emergence. The global conflict erupted almost twenty years later, resulting in even more irreversible effects. Adolf Hitler, a Nazi Party founder, rose to power in Germany when it was still unstable regarding political and economic dimensions. The leader equipped the country with war tools and signed treaties alongside Japan and Italy to increase his global domination objectives. When Hitler led Poland's invasion in 1939, France and Britain proclaimed war on Germany. Therefore, World War II officially commenced on 1 September 1939 and lasted for six years because it ended in 1945. This was transformative in the twentieth century. Mainly, it led to a decline in the world's human population due to the deaths recorded. For example, approximately 39 million individuals lost lives; half were civilians. The prolonged battle period led to extensive home and property destructions; hence, losses for the populations affected. Suffering, discrimination, and oppression were prevalent in the European region as genocide became primarily a horrific event recorded. Most individuals gave up quickly, and some abandoned their properties as hunger periods struck and became part of most people's livelihood in Western Europe. Most household members separated for ext...
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