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The 1959 Revolution and Imperialism in Cuba

Essay Instructions:

present an argument about the relation between the keyword “revolution” and one of the keywords listed below. Advance your argument through an analysis of AT LEAST two of the works we’ve encountered thus far. Your goal is not to define the concepts as general concepts, but to illustrate the meanings they have developed in the contexts in which they are practiced and lived.

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The 1959 Revolution and Imperialism in Cuba
In 1959, the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, who was very popular in Cuba, overthrew Batista government with the aim of ascending to power. As a result of the revolution, the United States was left in a state of dilemma as it planned for a better solution to a post-Batista transaction. Before 1958, the White House was not interested in the Cuba affair (Morley 321). However, after the anti-dictatorial national movement, the interest grew, and the United States wanted to control the situation by influencing the outcome of the political-military struggle. The dilemma that the United States faced was that despite Batista being in power, his government was deemed corrupt, and he was unpopular among his people.
Additionally, United States saw a need to have reservations about Fidel Castro being in control (Basu 682). After the events of 1958, when Batista's campaign failed, Castrol seemed like the only option since the other anti-Batista movement had to follow him. Therefore, the United States wanted to imperialize Cuba by having Central Intelligence Agency formulate an effective plan that would lead to the U.S. having a say in the post-Batista transition. Additionally, revolution in this context occurs when Castro plans and manages to overthrow the Batista's government. According to Herbert L. Mathews, during the revolutionary period, a lot of rumors were encouraged by the Batista government to make Fidel Castro unpopular. One of the most spread rumors was that Castro was dead and that the rebel group had no leader (Matthews 326). However, this information was not accurate because Senior Castro was alive and had a lot of support from the people. According to Matthews (327), Fidel Castro had the support of hundreds of highly respected citizens who helped and supported him. Castro's silence during this period was because he was waiting until he had his forces reorganized and had mastered Sierra Maestra before he could come out of hiding. When asked by the reporter about the revolution, Castro said it was not yet time because the government painted a picture of peace and being in control (Jany 17). He even says that the government was using arms furnished by the U.S. against him and his troops and the Cuban people (Matthews, 326). Castrol declared that he would declare a revolutionary government in the Sierra Nevada when it was time, and that would be the end of dictatorial leadership.
Furthermore, while Castro is still in hiding, he tells the reporter that he and his troops were not anti-military when asked to comment on the 26th of July Movement's being about nationalism and anti-imperialism. He claimed that he had no animosity against the United States and that all he and his people wanted was a democratic Cuba (Matthews, 331). Furthermore, through censorship, Castro demonstrates that the Batista government tried to lie to the people about his whereabouts (Pedemonte 280). However, Castro was waiting for the right time to declare a revolution that would set people free from a government that oppressed them.
Additionally, imperialism in this context is depicted when the United States wants to take control of who ascends in Cuba after Batista. Also, imperialism is portrayed when the United States creates various plans through the Central Intelligence Agency to ensure Castro is not the next leader. During Batista's term in ...
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