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Social Darwinism and Personal View on It

Essay Instructions:

(Read pp23-49,64-71 of the ppt and write.) In the late 19th century, the dominant role of employers was justified by the theory of social Darwinism, which provided a rationale for the wide gap in wealth/income/power between working people and employers.

The debate over social Darwinism continues today. Critics of the Republican Party's economic policies and approach to government believe that social Darwinism is a key element of their political positions. In a 2021 opinion piece in Newsweek, Ryan Skinnell argued that many Republicans see society as an arena for the "survival of the fittest."

Respond to the following two questions in a total of two pages.

What is social Darwinism and how does it justify the wealth and power of employers and other rich people?

What is your own view about social Darwinism? Do you agree or disagree with its main points?

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History Assignment
Social Darwinism refers to various societal exercises and theories applying Darwin's biological aspects of the survival of the fittest and natural selection to different disciplines such as politics, economics, and sociology. Various features define social Darwinism. First and foremost, the concept validates the power imbalances between individuals, groups, and countries. There is the perception that human beings, including plants and animals, contest in an effort for existence or survival. The outcome of this behavior is "survival of the fittest (Claeys 223)." Social Darwinism advocates for laissez-faire systems supporting self-interest and competition in business and social matters. Also, the concept is characterized by the perception that authorities must not interrupt human competition by trying to control the economy or curing community-based challenges like poverty.
The concept validated the existence, survival, and relevance of wealthy individuals' power and wealth using the "survival of the fittest" element. This entails the belief that specific persons become authoritative in the community since they are characteristically better. For example, business persons embraced Darwinian ideas and believed that a large business's development was mainly based on survival of the fittest (Claeys 223). As part of the justification for favoring wealthy people, employers, and business owners, social Darwinism claims that only specific groups of individuals evolved socially over time instead of the entire human species. Therefore, Darwinism theories argue that certain people or groups are naturally superior and better than others.
I disagree with social Darwinism concepts and main points due to various rationales. Most importantly, revolutions are always continuous as the origin of emergent ideas and thoughts shifts the society ahead and require the citizens to...
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