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The movie Troy directed by Wolfgang Peterson. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

You can write a 2-3 page paper on a movie that takes place during the ancient times to and including the medieval world. Describe and explain the movie, and demonstrate why the movie (more importantly the subject of the movie) is important to the Humanities. You can find a list of movies in the Extra Material section or 2.) Choose your favorite thing that was discussed or studied on your own from the ancient world up to and including the medieval world and write a 2-3 page paper describing the person, place or event(s) and why it is important to the Humanities. Hope this helps all of you. See you next week at your normal class time and good luck with all your finals. See you next week.

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The movie Troy directed by Wolfgang Peterson takes place during the ancient times particularly in the Bronze Age in the year 1250 B.C in the period of the Trojan War. It tells of the time when Greek states collaboratively put the city of Troy under a siege of ten years. There were battles and various notable events that took place during this period including the famous quarrel between Achilles the warrior and the king Agamemnon that led to the war. Overall, the movie covers the ancient Greek legends that were present in the period of the siege, the warriors involved, and the war itself including its prediction, causes, and consequences. The Troy movie is historically significant since it reveals all the above details about the kingdoms and wars in ancient Greece.
Troy is a movie that gives a detailed account of the Trojan War that lasted for almost more than a decade. It follows the battle that took place between Sparta and Troy, which are ancient kingdoms of Greece. The story begins with the two Trojan Princes Hector and Paris visiting King Menelaus of Sparta. In the course of the visit, the young prince Paris develops an attraction for the lady Helen who happens to be Menelaus’ wife even convincing her to go back with him to Troy. This bold move does not augur well with king Menelaus who involves his brother King Agamemnon in trying to punish Troy for the mistakes of Prince Paris. Agamemnon takes advantage of his brother’s situation to declare war against Troy especially since he had successfully conquered all the other armies in Greece already. His main motivation was to have the Aegean Sea under his total control. Given that the Trojans had never been defeated ...
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