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Lawrence M. Friedman's, American Law in 20th Century History Essay

Essay Instructions:


The Twentieth Century U.S. History class final examination consists of one essay question which should be about 500 words (2 pages) in length, based on Lawrence M. Friedman's, American Law in the 20th Century book.

The question is: How do the study of law and legal structures help us understand the history of the United States in the twentieth century?

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American Law in the 20th Century
In the 20th century, the United States saw enormous changes in terms of science, technology, politics and the economy. The beginning of the 21st century was when Americans looked back at the history of the country and got to know how the United States of America became a superpower. The study of law and legal structures is important because it makes us understand how different rules and regulations were made and varying strategies were implemented in the early decades of the 20th century, which aimed to benefit Americans in one way or the other. Today, the legal structure of the country is well-versed and one of the best in the world. We can see how the government of America has implemented user-friendly strategies and opted for ways that ensure sustainability and peace within states. A person who has not studied law may never get to know what kinds of revolutions were brought in the country in the previous century to ensure protection and safety of the citizens.
In the early years of the 20th century, cheap labor was common in the United States. Men, women, and children were forced to work for pennies, and they had to spend extra hours at the workplace in order to earn a living. In addition, there was no proper system of transportation as most of the people working in this sector were uneducated and unfami...
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