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Ancient History. Choose a Roman monument and explain its political function

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Choose a Roman monument and explain its political function to support and maintain the empire by either propaganda or by keeping citizens entertained and feeling they had a stake in the system. >Describe the features of the building that served this purpose.

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Ancient History
The ancient Romans were famously known for their new designs in architecture including the building of arches, baked bricks, and also the use of bricks and cement in the building. The new models are very evident considering the many monuments that are found in Roman at present. One of the most famous monuments in roman is the Roman Forum which is a rectangular plaza that is surrounded by very many vital ruins of ancient buildings that belonged to the government.
The most crucial political feature of the Roman Forum is that it is was the center of administrative processes and also political activities (Becker, 350). Many buildings that were found in this place served the purpose of administration, whereby they allowed the Senate to meet and have their discussions on peace. Nevertheless, other high ranking roman leaders would also fit there and make important decisions while the Roman citizens would meet there and hear announcements from their leaders and even proclamations.
There are several entertaining functions that the Roman Forum performed and it included the beauty that is associated with the ruins. The monument is taken to be the last ancient structure that was built by the emperor Phocas. In the middle ages, a significant earthquake occurred that destroyed several parts on the forum. The ruins that were formed after that earthquake has established a preeminent site of attraction whereby people from different areas visit to take a glance. In addition to that, the ruins inspired various artists who would draw it as a way of earning income ...
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