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Role in Historyv: Nikita Khrushchev

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Please put a proper title for this paper.

600-800 words should contain thoughts about Khrushchev and his role in history. How important was he? What sort of leader he is? Did he achieve anything significant?

Write annabelle augment based on the reading, providing two example! of his reforms( goals, methods, and results)

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Links and Khrushchev’s speech the teacher mentioned are in the file attached.

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Nikita Khrushchev (1894 – 1971) Role in History
Nikita Khrushchev has booked himself an indelible spot in history. He was a leader at the epitome of the cold war and steered Russia to recovery after the second world war when Stalin, his predecessor, and friend passed on. Though he was a strong advocate of communism and he helped popularize its ideologies around the world, Khrushchev was vilified by some communists. I.e., Chinese communists. The West who are predominantly capitalistic also clashed with Khrushchev ideologically but managed to avoid nuclear war and maintained basic diplomatic relations especially in his early tenure as the Russian prime minister. His role in history is largely centered on his role in popularizing communism, ‘destalination,’ Cuban missile crisis and contribution to space exploration.
Khrushchev assumed the position of Russian prime minister 6 months after the death of Stalin. The Soviet Union was ‘Stalinated,’ and his predecessors’ ideologies had made significant damage on the social, cultural, economic and political spheres of the Soviet Union. Khrushchev did not completely subscribe to all of Stalin’s ideologies especially on human rights despite him being a close friend and a key figure in Stalin’s government. Stalin had gravely violated human rights and suppressed freedom of expression in his tenure. Stalin was dictatorial and his government often jailed and killed dissidents in the Soviet Union. Khrushchev did not subscribe to Stalin’s leadership style, and shortly after assuming power, he started the process of destalinization. Destalinization entailed granting the Soviet people freedom of speech and reducing the excessive use of force to suppress opposition. This triggered opposition in Hungary and Poland which were at the time members of the Soviet Union. Khrushchev used ‘Stalin’ methods to suppress the resistance that had cropped up in these two countries though Hungary the situation had deteriorated significantly before he could contain the situation.
Popularized communism
Khrushchev was a vocal critique of capitalism, and he tried to popularize communism in the Soviet Union and export it to other countries. He tried to form allies with other countries to form strong bilateral trade agreements and deepen diplomatic relationship to resist the ‘Western capitalistic wave.’ Some of the countries that imported communism from Russia at the time is Cuba and...
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