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The Influence of Confucianism on Ancient Chinese Rule

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Traditional Chinese History class

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The Influence of Confucianism on Ancient Chinese Rule
Few people have had as much influence on Chinese history as Confucius. Born between 550 and 480 BCE, he is remembered as one the greatest forces to reckon with in not only China but also all over the world. While Confucianism has become a world-wide ideology, it pays to consider its origin as well as its impact on the thinking as well as the shaping of the character and behavior of the ruling elite in ancient China. It should be noted that Confucius had and has a lot of impact on the running of several governments and he was himself yearning for political achievements. This essay particularly focuses on the results of Confucius’ teachings and beliefs on the Tang dynasty. Special focus will also be afforded to the changes in the Song Dynasty brought about by Confucianism.
Confucius and Ancient Chinese Kingdoms
Confucius was also known as K’ung Fu-tzu as well as Kong Qui. His main talents lay in philosophy, politics and teaching. He is credited with providing important insights concerning social interaction. In particular, he zeroed in on respect for the elders by the young. In addition, he believed that the elders had a duty to accord the same level of respect offered to them by the youth.
Above all, he advanced the theory that runners of the kingdoms in his day solely existed to serve their subjects and vice versa. According to him, everyone had a place and a responsibility in the society. A subject should do the best in being a subject while the ruler should be the finest in ruling. In the same breath, parents as well as children should take up their respective roles and provide the best energies and capabilities (Wu 39). In other words, the interests of the people under rule were more important than kingly pleasures while the people still had an obligation to respect authority. This idea was lifeline in sustenance in running of the Chinese kingdoms. His ideas had a positive influence on the dynasties of Tang, Han as well as Song.
Confucianism and the Tang Dynasty
Much of the Tang dynasty rise can be credited to the fall of its predecessor. A duke known as Li Yuan saw a chance in the weaknesses of the Sui dynasty and made successful plans to seize power. Under the dynasty ruled a number of leaders who included Empress Wu who, while a cunning and cruel power-hungry woman, provided an opportunity for women to take responsibilities in the imperial court.
However, it was during Xuanzong’s rein that the Tang dynasty achieved its golden age fame marked by high economic achievements and low-level lifestyle of the political class. Much of these achievements are, nonetheless, courtesy of the teachings and philosophies of Confucius.
Confucius mainly dwelt on the importance of observing ethics on public and family interactions. He also had a passion for setting the standards required for education. After his death, his philosophy was adopted by the rulers of ancient China. His teachings later became to be known as Confucianism. This is an ideology widely appreciated as the foundation for Chinese cultural history.
Among the most recognized virtues of the philosophy are the relationships between the elders and the young, friends, spouses as well as the ruling elite and their subjects. In regard to education, Confucius advanced the idea that some people have knowledge from birth. Others earn it through studying while still some people get it through hard work.
He divided people into classes according to the extent and effort put in earning knowledge. The highest group, according to him, is composed of people who put absolutely no effort in getting education since it is a natural part of them. On the other hand, the lowest people in the ladder are the people who have spend time and effort in studying and yet up with nothing. Humanity, in the words Confucius, is composed of several elements. They include being truthful, generous and diligent. In addition the candidate must possess liberality and earnestness.
The Tang Dynasty certainly marks one of the greatest periods for the impact of Confucianism on early Chinese rule. While the Sui Dynasty preceded it, it is regarded as the period in which Chinese civilization rose to its highest point. Historians refer to the rule as a golden age. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the dynasty was established through a military campaign that saw the edging out of the former rulers and the creation ...
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