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Ancient Art: Geometric Greek Art Vs. Later Art

Essay Instructions:

In the old days of art history, the art of Greece in the Geometric period was seen as crude and unsophisticated compared to later Archaic and Classical Greek art. Nowadays, we can appreciate the abstract art of Geometric Greece in its own right. In this essay, explain how Geometric art differs in style from later Greek art. What kinds of things are Geometric art good at showing or communicating that makes it as good as later Greek painting and sculpture?

(Please title this essay "Question 14")

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Geometric Greek art vs. later art
The ancient Greek art is one of the most common references of the works of modern art. A lot has been borrowed from the geometric art and improvements made to make it look different. The geometric style of art is based on vase painting and began in 900BC. The new Greek cities provided a ready market for the items produced using the geometric style in Athens. Therefore, there are various aspects of style the differentiate the geometric art from the later Greek art. As well, some of the aspects make it good as the later Greek sculpture and painting.
The vases were decorated using the Geometric style present horizontal paintings that were filled with patterns. The patterns were made of a certain shape and, in most cases, they covered the whole vessel. Also, the overall effect of the horizontal bands was angular shapes painted on a light surface using dark paint. Later artists adopted this style, but advanced their work into painting, sculpturing, and drawing. They also incorporated complex shapes, and some of them did not follow a particular format as compared to the geometric style. The artists made art that not only focused on beauty, but also represented whatever they had in mind. A study was done on the use of light and dark shades while painting, hence resulting in better patterns. Also, the patterns did not necessarily have to cover the entire vessel.
As well, the geometric artists used the shapes of human...
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