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What were the underlying factors in the events of the 1770s that led the colonies to declare their independence from Britain?

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: The margins are to be one inch all around. The student’s name will be placed in the HEADER (see example). Each page should be numbered in the FOOTER (see example). On the first page, the question is written out. Double space after the question before beginning the essay The paper is to be double spaced. Each paragraph is to be indented. The pages are to be aligned left . The essay should have no more than one thousand words ( approximately four (4) double-spaced type pages).


• Use 3rd person

• Write in past tense

• Write in active voice

• Proofread!

• Paraphrase!

• If you use information that draws on a particular internet site, use a footnote to include the URL (web address) so that I may check the source for myself. If you paraphrase from the text also use a footnote to cite that as well. The footnote number should be placed at the end of the paragraph in which the material was used. Example: information taken from the internet

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Revolution
The breakup of the American Colonies was not just a sudden act. However, the 1776 split was banding together between all 13 colonies to fight and win the independence war from the Crown; this series of events started decades earlier. Escalations were spared shortly when the French and Indian war ended in 1763. The battle was referred to as the Seven Years war. The grievances of the colonies were defines in their statements. Most of which came from taxation, colonists believed to9be taken for granted, which was happening. Great Britain was engaged in other wars, including the Indian and French war in America (Furtado, 7). These wars drained their resources, resulting in taxing the colonist instead of getting finances from the parliament or their British Isles. However, the colonists had no say in such projections because they had no governance representations to fight these taxations. Britain never took off Americans as a formality; they were dragged towards such decisions by a series of events, which the essay will cover. The various events leading to the colonies declaring their independence from Britain include the following Britain;
The Stamp act of 1765
To recover the massive debt left from the France war, the parliament hen passed the Stamp Act laws, which taxed several transactions among the colonies. Up to then, every colony had their government that decided on the taxes and collected the taxes. They felt they had spent a lot of treasure and blood in protecting the colonist against the Indians, and therefore they had to pay their share. The colonist never perceived it in that sense. They had resented buying from the British and also paying taxes. The tax was never collected because of riots that were escalating. Ultimately, Franklin convinced them to rescind it, but this made things even worse. It had American thinks they could fight back anything that was demanded by the British.
The Townshend Acts of 1767
Again, the parliament began to assert its authority by passing legislation for taxing goods imported by Americans from Great Britain. The Crown established a custom commissioner's board for stopping corruption and smuggling among the local officers in their colonies. They often engaged in the illicit trade. Americans responded by staging boycotts to the British goods subject to taxation and started harassing Britain's custom commissioners. To quell such resistance, troops were sent to Boston, action which only made things worse.
The Boston Massacre of 1770
Due to tensions between the Boston residents and British occupiers escalated on an afternoon, a disagreement between the British soldier and an apprentice wigmaker saw a crowd of about 200 colonists surrounding seven British troops. When Americans started taunting the British soldiers and throwing them at them, the troops lost their cool and fire towards the crowd. When the smoke cleared, three men include a sailor of African American docent named Crispus Attucks, who was also dead; two of the officers were wounded. The massacre events became great propaganda for the colonists, mostly after the distribution of an engraving by Paul Revere that wrongly depicted the British as aggressors.
The Boston Te...
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