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American Industrial Revolution. History Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

1. What was the American Industrial Revolution? Discuss its rise and its impact on the Market Revolution. How did the rise of the Industrial and Market revolutions heighten the discourse of proper forms of labor (slavery versus wage labor)? Lastly examine how the Market Revolution changed the lives of ordinary people and gender roles.


1. Samuel Slater

2. Putting- Out System

3. Lowell Mills

4. The Erie Canal

5. Cult of Domesticity

No additional materials (outside sources, internet sites, etc.) will be needed to answer the questions.

Prompt should be answered in essay-format and contain a minimum of 5-6 paragraphs. In answering the question, you are required to support your claims with historical evidence and analysis. Overall, your objective, in answering the question, is to “respond/ think like a historian,” meaning your arguments and claims should be supported with evidence from primary and secondary sources.

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American Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution was a period in the world’s history that saw the transformation from agrarian to industrialized societies. Before industrial revolution, everything was done manually. The world had not made any strides or steps towards mechanization. However, after the onset of the industrial revolution, factories came up and mass production of products started. Machines were introduced into the world, and new techniques of production spearheaded economies in Europe. But, such growth could not stay in one place and soon it found a way into the United States, and the American Industrial Revolution started.
The American Industrial Revolution represents a period in the American history when industrialization took place. In this period, America saw the start of new production methods as well as the growth of factory labor. One name that is greatly associated with spearheading the American Revolution is Slater Mill. In 1790, Slater Mill opened the United States’ first industrial mill (Conrad, 1). This mill greatly borrowed from the technology of the British. Regardless of the above, Slater’s technology proved to be the start of what came to be known as the American Industrial Revolution. Soon, factory labor was booming, and the country’s economy was growing at a great speed.
The American Industrial Revolution changed the production of goods. Products that were once being crafted by hands were now being mass produced in a factory. Manufacturing grew tremendously in the United States and transformed to large scale as well. Such changes greatly impacted trade in the country. However, one notable thing that happened was that the U.S. reduced dependence on imports, since it was producing enough for its local markets. Another change that took place in the U.S. was the growth and development of the transportation system. Trade called for the development of the transportation system. National mobility was imminent or else trade would not have been possible. The need for convenient mobility led to the development of roads, railroads, and canals. One famous canal was the Erie Canal that not only made New York an important center but also enhanced its growth in population and wealth.
Another notable change that changed or greatly shifted America’s way of life was having farmers grow their crops for trade and not for subsistence. Farmers sought to grow their produce for profit but not self-sufficiency. This was part of the essence of market revolution, and it greatly impacted trade in the country. Factories developed in the U.S. as well as cities, and the country opened up further. Expansion westward happened at this time, but this was not solely because of econo...
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