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Mexican Government on Poverty, Racism, and Gender Issues

Essay Instructions:

Hi, this is the last paper before the final paper for my mexico course. We are about to reach the end!!!

For this paper, I have uploaded three documents that you are going to read and write. Keep in mind that write with respect to our topic: race, gender and poverty. These are the topics that you wrote in previous five papers. Also, you must discuss three events (or situations or historical moments) and use the three documents. This three events need to be consisted with the topic as well. I think the events can be found easily in the documents that I uploaded.

Please read the instructions and follow every steps!!! Also, my professor commented in my previous paper that some sentences are resemble the originals from the article. Make sure you sue

your own words. Keep in mind that he will upload the Final Paper to two plagiarism


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Yihe Shen
Prof. Sal
Dec 12th, 2020
1 Aguilar et al. "In the shadow of the Mexican revolution: contemporary Mexican history."
2 Vaughan's, "Cultural politics in revolution: Teachers, peasants, and schools in Mexico."
3 Cohen, "Braceros: Migrant citizens and transnational subjects in the postwar United States and Mexico."
The Mexican government and individuals invested significant efforts to address poverty, racism, and gender issues with the federal education policy, President Lazaro Cardenas's efforts to upgrade the economy, and the migrants and transnationals working hard to attain their objectives to eradicate the societal vices. The federal education policy had good intentions of enhancing economic development and helping reduce poverty and other discriminations in the country. Education is critical because it empowers Mexicans and nurtures work habits and punctuality. It would also teach people to abstain from practices like substance abuse and gambling. The good intention of the education policy was to eradicate poverty by teaching Mexicans how to be independent and work hard. Similarly, President Lazaro Cardenas (1934-1940) was very ambitious in bringing prosperity to Mexico through several policies and self-sacrifice. Cardenas was primarily concerned with the country's economic prosperity; hence he enacted several reforms. Immediately after taking over the presidency in 1934, President Cardenas enacted extensive land reforms. He envisioned a state where Mexico was ec...
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