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Obama Administration: Learn to code- Neo-Liberalism Redux

Essay Instructions:

I want to make the counter argument :" Obama administration;Learn to code- Neo-Liberalism Redux" that Obama administration failed to address this issues

"Crisis and Restoration of Neoliberal Policy in the USA: 2008–2018


->Crisis and Restoration of Neoliberal Policy in the USA: 2008–2018

Jack Rasmus

Pages 31-63

To raise and respond to counterarguments (that is, how might someone disagree with your argument, and how would you respond?) and please compare with Trump administration.

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Obama Administration: Learn to code- Neo-Liberalism Redux
The Obama administration has been faced with controversies and conflicts due to the issues that arose once the president took office. The Obama administration has been at the center of various problems, and it did not respond appropriately to the financial crisis. I will argue that a crisis emerged due to the restoration of a Neoliberal policy, which are marketed-oriented reform approaches such as reducing trade barriers between countries, deregulation of the capitalist markets, and doing away with price controls. During the Obama administration, the neoliberal policies led to different problems such as deregulation of the financial sector leading to the great recession (Week 15: Obama). The primary purpose of these policies is to minimize the government’s influence on economic development.
An example of a legal case on Neo-Liberalism Redux is the foreign threats that arose from illegal immigrants who had been supported by the Obama regime to get into the country. The influx of immigrants means that Americans would lose their jobs and that the radical groups who were causing violence in Europe and the Middle East would also gain entry into the US. Once the Trump administration took office, the focus was on solving the issues that arose during the Obama presidency. For instance, he reversed the immigration policies to make it harder for people from the Middle East to arrive in the country, particularly from locations that were a risk to the US. Trump made better business deals with the country and even disagreed with the trans-pacific partnership that Obama had signed with other countries (Week 15: Obama). Trump criticized the transpacific partnership and tried to negotiate a new deal. He pulled out of the partnership since he had already promised the electorate that he did not like the agreement during his campaign. Indeed, even though Trump was a neoliberal just like Obama, he made many changes to solve what the previous president has done as part of his efforts to revamp the US foreign policy.
American capitalism has often undergone many changes over the years because of restructuring efforts. Thi...
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