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Monograph Analysis of Isaac’s Storm. History Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Isaac’s Storm Monograph Analysis

In a well-written and thoughtful essay, answer the following six questions concerning the monograph, Isaac’s Storm, by Erik Larson.

To do well on this essay you must fully answer all of the questions in an essay form. Please do not simply write the question's number and the answer. Make it an essay.

Important: you must cite specific information in the book that corresponds to your points. A simple parenthesis with a page number is fine for citation, e.g. (175).

Finally, the only material you can reference is the book itself. Please do not use outside sources or summaries. That would do more harm than good since it would be plagiarism. Plagiarism is bad. I have not had too much problem with it so far this semester. Let us not start now.

There is no min or max page limit to this essay, but I think a good essay would probably fall in the range of 4-5 pages. These are large questions, after all.

Please use the standard essay format: double-spaced, 11 or 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial script (or any other professional script).

Questions to answer:

Why did Larson write this book? What was the main point he was trying to get across? Was he effective in convincing you about his point?

Besides Mother Nature, of course, who or what do you think was most at fault for the tragedy in Galveston? Was such a large loss of life preventable? How do the ideas of the late Gilded Age and the “certainty” of technology play into the disaster? Give specific examples from the book with citation.

Why do you think Larson spent so much time describing the science behind hurricanes and meteorology? Did it help or hinder the book? Why? Explain.

Which story or vignette (short account or story) of the hurricane did you find most intriguing, engaging, or perhaps terrifying? Explain what happened with citation. Why did Joseph and Isaac become estranged after the storm? Back this up with details from the book.

Besides just being a history of a tragedy, what can be learned from Isaac’s Storm? Is there a lesson or at least a warning in the book?

Finally, in a concluding paragraph, briefly write what you thought of the book. Did you like or dislike it? What worked and what did not? Be honest here. I like to get feedback to decide if I will continue to use the book in the future.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Monograph Analysis of Isaac’s Storm
           Isaac’s Storm is a book written by
Erik Larson, where he describes in detail events that transpired to the mother of all hurricanes that occurred in Galveston on 8th September 1900. Larson’s the main aim for writing this book can be said to have been to highlight major misses that led to the occurrence of the Galveston hurricane and how rectification of the decisions increases preparedness in minimizing the amount of the havoc caused by such disasters. Erik Larson, therefore, does succeed in driving his points home to the readers Larson’s arguments in the book imply that lack of enough information about storms and poor decisions made by Willies Moore, director of Weather Services (WSW.S.) in Washington DCD.C. led to the massive loss of lives in the Galveston hurricane.
   According to the arguments presented by Larson in his book, it is evident that lack of enough information about the storm is the central issue that kept a blind eye on relevant personnel from determining the feasibility of the Galveston hurricane. For instance, the author claims that Isaac failed to realize that the sinking of the barometer, they used until a day before the hurricane was a sign of a stronger storm (Larson, 27). On the other hand, Larson also argues that Willis, WS director in Washington DCD.C. was pre-occupied by his political ambition as
opposed to service delivery to his people, and that is why he was so reluctant to give the correct information to the public for fear of causing panic (Larson, 34). Instead, he misinformed the public, leaving them oblivious of the danger that was coming. This argument indicates that even though industrialization had taken the course in the USU.S., certainty in technological advancements was not yet strong and again the political participation started gaining ground
affirming the reason why Willis was more focused on politics.
    Throughout the book, Larson keeps writing about the science behind the hurricane and issues to do with meteorology. This maybe out of his quest to attain his aim of presenting his readers with more information about hurricane storms that the likes of Isaac and co didn’t have when the
the storm swept Galveston. This approach by Larson to spend more time on the the science behind the hurricane in his book seems to have worked well for him as it has not only to enable him to achieve his aim ...
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