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Answer the questions. The answer must be 5+ sentences. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

1. How did LBJ's "war on poverty" hurt black families and actually create more poor people? PH_US_Origins of Welfare Dependency.pdf

2.How does Nixon's Watergate scandal compare to more recent presidential scandals and how have governmental authorities, the media, and the public at large reacted differently to them? Use one or more specific examples of presidential scandals to compare to Watergate. 2 Articles: Nixon's Triumphs and Woes / Watergate Scandal Video and Presidential Scandals

3.How did Keynesian policies, a lack of American ingenuity, and union demands contribute to an economic downturn in the 1970s? PH_US_Ford and the Economy.pdf

4.What were some of the struggles Carter faced and how did they negatively affect his presidency? 3 Articles: Jimmy Carter and 158 PP14_Carter's Gains and Losses.pptx and Iran Hostage Crisis Videos

5.How did Reagan provide both "renewal" for for America and "peace through strength" when it came to dealing with terrorism and/or an encroaching Soviet Union in a nuclear age? 158 PP15_Enter Reagan.pptx and 4 Articles on Ronald Reagan and 1 Video

6.How did the AIDS epidemic affect American culture and help change the face of rights for homosexual groups from the 1980s and through the 1990s? 2 Articles: AIDS Epidemic and the 1990s

7.Explain some of the triumphs and challenges of either George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, or George W. Bush during their respective administrations and the effects they had on American history, culture, and/or politics. You only need to choose ONE to focus on, not all three. Presidential Scandals and Presidential Videos: Bush / Clinton / Bush

8.How was the "Cold War" not actually "cold?" Use/explain specific examples. 3 Articles: Soviet-United States Relations Post WWII and 158 PP14: Carter's Gains and Losses (PLUS VIDEO)and 158_PP15: Enter Reagan and PH_US_Reagan on Terrorism.pdf and any presidential videos you find helpful.

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President Lyndon Baines Johnson declared war on poverty, and he intended to create a nation with low poverty rates. He planned to increase welfare programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. More money was spent on these commodities. The black families became dependent on them, thus killing their work ethic and discipline (Matthews, 2014). Over time they became more impoverished because of a lack of education and skills. Families split, and the social structure was broken. Until now, the problems have not been solved.
In the Nixon era, the Watergate scandal is the most astonishing of all scandals that have ever happened in the oval office. The President was found guilty of using security organs to undermine his opponents and spy on people he suspected (Berger & Tausanovitch, 2018). The media, government authorities, and the public were directly involved in the matter. The case is similar to President Trump's charges of tax fraud. The Internal Revenue Service was the government body directly associated with the scandal. Although Trump's accusations failed, the case raised concern from the public. The media propelled the story to an international highlight. In both cases, no diplomatic ties were severed.
The economic depression of the 1970s is the greatest that has ever occurred, and inflation went up to 20 percent in less than 20 months. Keynesian policies advocate for more government spending, lower interest rates, and lower taxes. Cumulatively these were catalysts of the economic recession. There were no innovations to drive the economy, and the political class relied on borrowed economic ideas that were impractical. Labor unionism had spread throughout the country. Their needs were tied to politics; they demanded better pay, more benefits, and lower taxes. All these problems formed the economic depression of the 1970s (Jahan, Mahmud, & Papageorgiou, 2014).
Under President Jimmy Carter, the worst crisis was the Iranian hostage. The American embassy in Tehran was ambushed, and American diplomats captured. Over 50 American citizens were held for 444 days and only released when a new government took over. This was as a result of intrusive foreign policies the president Carter had formulated. Part of the problem was that the country was facing stagflation and high poverty rates (Kamarck, 2019).
It was after the great recession that Ronald Reagan took presidential office. He then embarked on programs to reduce inflation, reduce taxes, and increase employment. His objectives were a...
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