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Alternative Pathways out of Rural Poverty in Mexico

Essay Instructions:

Hi, this is me again for my Mexico paper. This paper 5 is the last paper before the final paper. I have attached the detailed instructions below. First, you need to revise my paper 4 according to my professor's comments. And then you will need to elaborate paper 4 to about half the length of it. Then you will need to write on a new JSTOR article, about the same topic as paper 4. Then combine these two together so that they work perfectly on the topic. I have also attached both paper 4 and a new JSTOR article below. Please read the instructions follow every steps. Keep an eye on how to use the footnotes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Yihe Shen
Prof. Sal
Nov 19th, 2020
Aguila, Emma et al. "Inequality, Poverty and Social Policy in Mexico."
Darcy Victor Tetreau's "Alternative Pathways out of Rural Poverty in Mexico"
Scholars have analyzed inequality, rural poverty, and economic policies in Mexico. Aguila Emma et al.'s "Inequality, Poverty and Social Policy in Mexico" explores rural poverty, gender and racial inequality, and Mexico's social policy between 1980 and 1994. Aguila et al. argue that inequality of different types, including gender and race, has existed in Mexico since colonial times. People were divided into rural and urban dwellers. Rural dwellers never received much attention from the government, and infrastructure remained unattended compared to the urban area population that received better treatment. In the agricultural sector, government systems neglected the rural community while developing urban centers. As a result, the peasant farmers stagnated in poverty for a long time since they could not afford the high production cost that does not reward the end due to poor infrastructure. The cases of inequalities extended to the education sector. Urban centers had more developed schools compared to those in rural areas. Urban centers also enjoyed improved health facilities compared to rural areas sparsely populated by the indigenous people. It was not until 2004, when the government formed policies that promoted fairness and equality. On the other hand, Darcy Victor Tetreau's "Alternative Pathways out of Rural Poverty in Mexico" analyzes the three neoliberal pathways out of rural poverty as suggested by the World Bank in its World Development report of 2008 that focused on three aspect...
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