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History Essay: Impact of Atomic Bomb on America

Essay Instructions:

Paper Guidelines HIST&158 (American History II)-MLA CITATION

Write a 2-page paper (3 including Works Cited Page) that addresses a transformative event that took place between 1900 and the present. You need to ask a question about the event then use your research to answer that question. Your question must be a HOW question, such as

How did the television show M.A.S.H. address elements of the Vietnam War through the lens of the Korean War using humor?

Format - 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1 inch margins, correct grammar

Grading - 20 points possible, broken down as follows:

-correct heading / format

-content that includes at least 3 paragraphs that follow CLAIM, EVIDENCE, and REASONING guidelines

MLA Works Cited page that include at least 1 scholarly article and 1 academically appropriate website

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Impact of Atomic Bomb on America
In August 1945, the United States used atomic bombs in a war against Japan. It dropped two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the effects of the event are still being experienced. The event changed warfare among countries and ushered in a period of relative peace. In addition, it also impacted American culture since it caused various perceptions about nuclear war in the future. Further, the aftermath of the nuclear bombings also shaped science, and various problems were solved. This essay will describe how the atomic bombing of Japan changed warfare, world peace and influenced the American culture.
War and peace were some of the concepts that were impacted by the bombing of Japan. Before the World war, America usually sought to isolate itself, and the country did not favor participating in wars. However, after bombing Japan, war and peace were defined by the might of the military, and the United States emerged as a superpower. The new realignment also caused an arms race, and various developed countries rushed to manufacture nuclear weapons to enhance their military capabilities (Colglazier). The threat of mutually assured destruction became the main form of deterrence against war with the United States (Boggs 84). The approach led to the emergence of the Cold War, which was a period when tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union were high due to ideological differences. The threat that both countries could use nuclear weapons against each other in the event of war ensured that none were eager to take unnecessary risks, which promoted peace during the period (Herken 103). Thus, the atom bomb redefined how people thought about peace and war in that a superior weapon became a way to deter enemies from attacking.
Due to the relative peace that followed, popular culture in America was allowed to flourish. The peaceful period enabled Americans to set aside the fears of war and focus on the country's state of abundance that followed. Consequently, leisure activities were the most impacted areas. In particular, the nuclear event inspired people to write and direct movies that were based on war and the ato...
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