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Final Reflexive Research Project

Essay Instructions:
Course Reading: Dinnerstein, L., Nichols, R. L., & Reimers, D. M. Natives and strangers: A history of ethnic Americans (6th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Print Instructions In In Step 1 you chose an issue to follow throughout the term. In Steps 2 & 3 you researched where you came from and some of the history of your ethnicity in the US. In Step 4 you proposed a thesis about how your ancestral ethnic group historically relates to one of the five hot button issues. You also put together an annotated bibliography of sources you will use to research that history. This paper is where you will discuss that research. Your instructor has given you feedback on your thesis and may have proposed that you find additional or different sources. Some of your classmates also commented on your proposal in M5 Group Discussion. Considering feedback from your instructor and classmates on your proposal, write an essay that analyzes the historical connection of the contemporary issue you identified in step 1 to the current status of your own ethnicity/ies as you conceptualize it/them. Expand on or alter the thesis in the proposal to address how your ethnic group's background fits with the development of this issue. In sum, you will be examining the stakes for your group in this issue. 1. How has this issue affected members of your ethnic group in the past? 2. In what ways did this issue change over time, and how did these changes affect your ethnic group at different points throughout history? 3. How about in the present? 4. If you choose to address more than one ethnicity, continue to compare and contrast. 5. How do you envision your responsibility as a member of your ethnic group who is facing the result of these histories today? 6. How do you envision your responsibility as an American towards other ethnic groups involved in this issue? 1500 words. Separate Works Cited page.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Final Reflexive Research Project Introduction Ethnicity remains a hot-button issue for the United States of America (US) while shaping social and economic paradigms. The US struggles with immigrants from diverse ethnicities, racial, and national backgrounds, which conflict with national culture, beliefs, and heritage. As a result, the ethnicity issue transformed into a fundamental challenge for the American government, nationals, and institutions (Stefano and Fenn 1197). According to Kim, the US economy became a ‘great melting pot’ due to historical transformation in sociocultural facets. Immigrants from different countries and ethnicities visit the US for robust opportunities and lifestyle choices. However, immense immigration made ethnicity a hot button for locals and increased conflicts among societal segments (372). Hence, academic scholars should explore ethnicity issues from diverse paradigms to measure the severity and influence on the American culture. Guzman-Rosas argued that the Irish and Mexican Americans made the US a melting pot from sociocultural and ethnic perspectives. Lack of economic marginalization and social inclusivity increased discrimination, racism, and ethnic conflicts between foreign ethnic groups and Americans (1075). Hence, this thesis will explore the historical and modern paradigms leading to ethnicity issues for the Irish and Mexican American communities in the US boundary. The discussion will compare the impacts of ethnicity lapses on the two communities, followed by personal reflection to capture diverse perspectives. Ethnicity issues transformed the US soil due to significant factors and shifts in socioeconomic and cultural forces. Ethnicity Affecting Irish and Mexican American Members Irish and Mexican Americans have a robust migration history that influenced ethnic conflicts in the US. According to Elia, the two communities encountered racialized challenges in the US primarily due to religious beliefs and differences. Americans follow religious activities in a solidarity ecosystem, denying the potential entrance of cross-border virtues and values (572). The cross-border solidarity rejection triggered the ethnic conflict as a hot button inside the American borders. The primary conflict emerged with the Mexican Americans due to common borders, preventing the community from acquiring equal social opportunities as the White groups (Baker 25). Nonetheless, Kennedy found that the Irish community experienced ethnic racism in the US since the 19th century. Irish communities had significant conflicts with the catholic groups while practicing religion in harmony (424). However, the Irish community had a social advantage over the Mexican community due to skin color and mutual language. Irish immigrants differentiated the Americans mostly in religious parameters. The social and cultural aesthetics were mutual to formulate a sustainable connection between the two communities (Kennedy 426). Hence, ethnicity is a minimal challenge for Irish immigrants in the US. At the same time, Mexican Americans encounter continuous challenges from the hot-button issue. Changes in Ethnicity Issue: Influencing the Ethnic Group Ethnicity issues are distinct for the two communities in the US societal structure. Huang identified that ethnicity constraints reduced the Irish community with generational shifts. Irish immigrants married Spanish, Hispanics, and other minority communities to synergize the social presence and inclusivity in the US (511). Besides, some Irish immigrants also formulated families with White Americans due to racial and physical aesthetics. As a result, ethnicity in the Irish community was suppressed with changing generations. Irish community enjoys robust inclusivity in economic, social, and ecological developments in the US to exhibit acceptance (Huang 513). However, ethnic transformations for Mexican Americans remain a complex challenge in the US territory. The American community considers Mexican Americans as immigrants, having zero religious or cultural relevance with the US social structure (Statham and Foner 16). Instead, Mexican Americans trigger and influence political activities in the US, such as shifts in immigration laws and barriers to entry to prevent unlawful infiltration. Xenophobia remains a significant cause for ethnicity to become a hot-button issue in the US since locals deny the inclusivity of Mexican Americans regardless of social reforms (Statham and Foner 22). Present Situation The...
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