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Abstract of Group Discussion

Essay Instructions:
Course Reading: Dinnerstein, L., Nichols, R. L., & Reimers, D. M. Natives and strangers: A history of ethnic Americans (6th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Print. https://learn(dot)sunyempire(dot)edu/media/Ted+Talks+Radio+Hour/1_nvg29t8t Instructions Abstract of Group Discussion 1. Outline the key problem of ethnicity in contemporary America you chose. How and why did you select it? 2. Identify the disciplines you are using to address the issue. How does each help illuminate the issue? 3. Using the disciplines, analyze the problem. Look for shared ground, but include disparate views rather than forcing consensus. 4. Describe current remedies proffered by activists, and optionally, add your own. Do you think they will be effective? Why or why not? The abstract can take various forms. You may write a group essay, create a powerpoint, create a video, or utilize other artistic modes to convey the results of your group discussion. Assignment Submission Note: Each student must submit a copy of this assignment.
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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Is Racism Over Yet? The presence of systemic racism in contemporary America continues to be a defining feature that questions whether racial inequality is merely a product of the past. This issue was chosen because its historical roots run deep and are still relevant today. These effects are residuals from slavery, segregation, and institutionalized discrimination. It shows up today as unequal access to education, economic opportunities, and justice, which perpetuates disparities affecting above-proportionately marginalized groups (Dinnerstein, Nichols, and Reimers). The issue should be examined from a variety of multidisciplinary perspectives. History provides a foundation by highlighting how discriminatory policy action, such as redlining and the exclusion from programs like the GI Bill, have created inequity from generation to generation. These historical injustices show how systemic b...
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