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Final Examination: American Democracy History Essay

Essay Instructions:

CHOOSE ANY THREE ESSAY QUESTIONS. For EACH one you choose, write an essay of about TWO TO THREE TYPED PAGES (USE MLA FORMAT THROUGHOUT). Please label each essay with the question number. Your FINAL PRODUCT MUST BE ABOUT SIX TO NINE PAGES IN TOTAL.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
POL 100
Professor Clock
Fall, 2018
Final Examination: American Democracy
Question One: Chapter 8
Political parties began to emerge in the United States during the ratification over the constitution (Harrison et al., 254). Those who supported ratifying of the constitution were said to be federal while those who were against it were said to be anti-federal. This splitting led to the formation of party systems. The emerging political parties played vital roles in shaping politics, but on the other hand, people viewed political parties in different angles. Some individuals believed the founders of political parties were self-centered; others believed political parties were creating enmity among people.
The first party system took place between the years 1788 and1828. There were no formal parties during this era, but as time went by the elected president realized for him to rule the country smoothly, there was a need to form a party that supported him thus formed the Federal Party. Presidential elections in 1800 marked the end of federalism when President Jefferson from the Republican Party won the elections. “His supporters became known as Jeffersonian Republicans then later Democratic-Republicans,” (Harrison et al., 255). The Democratic-Republican dominated for a long period due to lack of strong opposition. The party also had good strategies for communicating with the public.
The second party system development took place between 1828 and 1868. This is the era when Democrats started rising to power. Towards the end of 1828, some supporters of the Jeffersonian split thus forming a new coalition known as Jackson Ian Democrats. This coalition formed by Jackson introduced a philosophy known as “populism.” The philosophy changed the strategy of a leader being elected by legislative rather than the majority.
The third party system was between 1860 to 1896 when the Republicans rose to power. Slavery became a major threat thus leading to split and eventually the formation of a new party which was against slavery known as Antislavery Republican. Republicans started shining in 1854 and were supported by Democrats from the Northern. The presidential election in 1860 marked a new era for antislavery –Republicans dominance. This is the period when political parties grew strongly into political machines. The political machine was corrupt at the same time an important tool in dominating political parties. This machine played a critical role in bringing democracy to the foreigners and also to the American political way of life.
The fourth party system development took place in 1896-1932. The major activity which took place was the dominance of the Republicans. The presidential election in1896 marked a new era in political parties. The successor of the assassinated Republican president formed a new party known as a Progressive party which intended to bring reforms in the government and also to reduce the powers of the party bosses. The Republicans still enjoyed their benefits even after the 2-term end of the Progressive party.
The fifth system took place in 1932-1968- Democratic dominance. The elected president from the Democratic Party marked a new era for Democratic dominance. This era played a role in shaping up political parties and political way of life. Democratic dominance was witnessed in 2008 and 2013 presidential elections.
In conclusion, political parties started emerging as a result of different common interests. This emergence has sharpened up civic life in the political field at the same time it has ulcerated enmity among individuals. Political parties have played a role in educating the public their rights and also in promoting democracy.
Question 2: Chapter 12
Even though the House of Representatives and that of the Senate perform numerous roles, they also differ significantly. According to the constitution the two houses are viewed to be unique, “The constitution empowers the House of Representatives as the legislative body closer to the people with initiating any bill that results in taxes; whereas it empowers the Senate as the more deliberate house, to give the president advice and consent on appointments and the ratification of treaties” (Harrison et al., 372). Apart from their functions the two chambers also differ by structural legislation and the electoral process.
The two chambers have almost similar processes of passing any legislation, but they all depend on one another for successful passing of a bill. A sponsor int...
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