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D.H. Lawrence's Presentation of American Literature and Identity

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Using the link above, please access D.H. Lawrence’s Studies in Classic American

Literature (1923) and read chapters 1-5. Using the course material, assess Lawrence’s discussions of American literature and identity. Does Lawrence accurately represent American identity? Mobilize evidence for your conclusions from the lectures, films, and readings from the quarter. Commenting only on the book will result in a 60% grade. The Final Paper will be 5 pages (not 4 and 1⁄4), double-spaced, 12 font, with 1” margins. You will engage with Lawrence’s characterization of America via his interpretation of American Literature: how accurate or inaccurate is his assessment of American identity?

The there is a link including the book. And I will send you other sources including some films through email.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Identity
In recent years, identity has been central in the American culture. Your appearance, place of origin, your current earning and mannerisms of talking are some of the superficial feature used to create a distinction between a group of people from another. Identity presents itself in different ways. However, the most common way is through an individual’s character. Some American identity can be revealed through the exemplification of Martin Luther King Jr. Many people who are not of the American origin manifest it more than the natives. America wanted to produce a unique culture and establish new colonies. Several influential movements moved people into the search for self-identity. America by this time had established colonies and had already acquired slaves who had been obtained from Africa. Writers of this period expressed disillusionment after the events which occurred after the First World War. Writers of short stories captured the events of the war. American poets also wrote poems discussing on the political turmoil by that time. The war had brought significant influence on the culture of Americans, something which pushed most writers to write novels championing the American people to fight against some inhuman acts which affected themCITATION Jul16 \p "Chapt. 1" \l 1033 (Newmark Chapt. 1). While some Americans were busy fighting for their rights and going against harsh and strict rules by this time, a majority of the leaders were busy mistreating the slaves. This moved the emotions of most writers who started writing books criticizing such inhuman acts and fighting for the welfare of the slaves and the poor in the society. Thus, American literature and identity was one of hardship and self-struggle since most Americans had not fully realized themselves well
The dominance of the English language was unavoidable. Despite being in an American setting, most of the people were a mixture of blacks and whites. The blacks who had been taken to America during the slave trade had not yet known how to communicate using English fluently. However, this did not stop the writers from championing the Africans from fighting for fair treatment with the whites. Oral traditions existed during this time whereby people sang songs whose main message was to be set free. In their view, they felt that the superior Americans were not giving them freedom as they needed. This led to group protest resulting from enlightening the poor masses through novels, poems, and songs. Lawrence went through difficult times which made him write books and poems to show the different possibilities which life can present to a person. He made use of his characters to show how life mistreated him. In one of his works, Lawrence said that according to the civilization people were going through and in terms of the relationship between individuals and the separation of men from women, freedom was only left to some men. He, therefore, felt a strong urge to enlighten the people through his writing to protest this kind of physical separationCITATION Law23 \p "Chapt. 2" \l 1033 (Lawrence Chapt. 2). He advocated for unity among all people irrespective of their race or gender.
In most of his representation of American literature and identity, Lawrence mostly presented American identity from a political perspectiveCITATION Jul16 \p 64 \l 1033 (Newmark 64). Most people were subjected to poverty by those in power and this influenced the feelings of Lawrence on American identity. Many questions which still lingered on his mind were whether all Americans had equal rights and privileges. This question formed the basis of his writings. He, however, concluded that there must be the superior class which controlled the local people. This class was mainly composed of the rich and those in power who controlled the economic bases of the poor. They even subjected them to extreme living conditions which made their life very difficult. This was against what D.H Lawrence believed to be fair to humanity. He felt that all people were equal and were supposed to be treated in the same way even if they were not American nati...
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