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History of Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus and His Accomplishments

Essay Instructions:

Write a biography of Roman emperor Hadrian. MLA Format. PLEASE write as if in high school and not college. Please use the cited information from websites only. No plagiarism. Concentrate on accomplishments in both political and military affairs as well as any other interesting historical details that are representative of his reign.

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History of Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus and His Accomplishments
Born Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus, Hadrian was a Roman emperor between the years 117 and 138 AD, succeeding his uncle Trajan.Hadrianus was born in Italica Hispanica and when he turned 14 years old, he left for Rome.Labelled Third of the Five Good Emperors, he ruled Rome and strived to unite the entire Empire, leaving a rich legacy behind with a number of accomplishments throughout his rein (Joshua). Hadrian was so popular that he had no problem ruling Rome while spending most of his time away from the city.
As a ruler, one of the most notable accomplishments was when he wrote to the Senate requesting for the army’s proclamation which was granted. His military career begun when he was us 19 years old as a member of the Legio II Adiutrix’ of the Roman military. He would later be proceed to the‘Legio V Macedonica’ and the term of office of ‘Legio XXII Primigenia’, earning him an honor for an exemplary military service. During his uncle Trajan’s rule, he was part of his entourage as General during the Dacian War. When he got to power,he built a wall between North and South of Britain which revolutionized the Empire’s defense system keeping Celtic soldiers away and from attacking the Roman Empire.However,he never went to war frequently unlike most of his predecessors. He loved the army and would most of the time leave his palace and go mingle with the common army service men, eat their food and also sleep in their units. He would spot military fatigues all the time, even if on normal duties in the Empire.
The popular Pantheon, which revolutionized architecture, was rebuilt by Hadrian after it was razed down by fire. It was built between 118 - 128 AD, at the original place previous one had been burnt. He was a skillful architect and an artist whose impact is still felt in the world today. Apart from building cities Greece, the Peninsula, and Morocco and across Europe, some of the notable buildings designed by him included the Temple of Rome and Temple of Venus, the largest temple in ancient Rome and the Hadrian’s Villa, built outside Rome in Tivoli. Hadrian left his memorial in several imposing buildings. Desig...
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