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Evaluate how the Cold War changed the world History Essay

Essay Instructions:

This essay is about how the cold war has changed the world and it needs 3 main points from these categories: Political, Economics, Religion, social or ... in terms of the topic given and each point needs to cover 3 points from the category under it. That gives us 9 total points.

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Evaluate how the Cold War changed the world
The Cold War is a period that has significantly shaped today’s world. The open rivalry between America and the Soviet Union followed political and economic fronts in an aim for each side to attain dominance and become more powerful than the other. Countries that allied on each side were used as pawns in the power struggle until the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The Cold War altered the way of life forever by imposing political, economic and social changes.
Political changes
One of the political changes attributed to the Cold War is altering the way of fighting wars. The way the Cold War was fought and ended signified the need for a shift from reliance on military action. According to Eric Foner, military leaders realized that utilizing soldiers to fight their enemies was not enough as it was likely to lead in retaliation. Additionally, the development of modern high tech weaponry, machines and war strategies such as nuclear weapons made engaging in war catastrophic (Foner 886-87). Consequently, it led to the adoption of war by propaganda.
The fight by the two powers led to the division of countries all over the world. The war forced different nations to align themselves behind either of the powers. For instance, some countries in Africa and Asia aligned with the U.S. while some parts of Europe aligned with the Soviet Union. Thus, Germany divided into eastern and western Germany, Korea split into North and South Korea while sister nations such as Vietnam and China developed long-standing tensions (Foner 887). The divisions for political influence have facilitated political tension among countries.
The war facilitated the show of political power through defense spending. The war and its subsequent effects such as revolutions and invasions portrayed how much at risk they were of external aggression. Many states began taking their defense against foreign threats seriously by heavily investing in protection (Foner 888). For instance, Britain spent four percent of their GDP on weapons. Consequently, the countries became heavily armed.
Economic changes
The Cold War placed high financial responsibilities on local economies. The war created numerous financial obligations for countries all over the world. Countries had to fund initiatives such as the creation and financing of a robust national military to ensure lasting peaceful (Fleming 127). Moreover, countries that got freedom during the war inherited a lot of expenses and the need for resources to develop and sustain themselves. Accordingly, th...
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