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The Entirety Of The Podcast War Of 1812

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following questions:

​--describe the plot (the topic the podcasters are presenting and their views/concerns in why it is being discussed)

​--what stories have you “hooked” (is it story 2 and 4, 1 and 3, or all of them)

-- what stood out to you about those stories (did you learn something new, what does it say about the War of 1812, does it arouse sympathy or anger)

--do you agree with the podcasters’ overall premise or not? Why?

--rate the podcast


Essay Sample Content Preview:
The topic is about the War 1812, and the different podcasts are tackling the different perspectives that were involved in this war. Generally, the podcasters are trying to explore and expand their knowledge about the war of 1812 and how it is seen through the different sides. Many are American-centric but some are more understanding about the negative influence of war on all sides. Some glorify the battles as if it is a victory of their own but many are aware of the reality that there are no sole victors and losers in war. Most perspectives are centered on how they fought for their side in the name of honor, patriotism and nationalistic interest. They were so many agenda and people involved in this war, and it is really hard to pin-point who is really good, and who is bad, but what is clear is that people strived to protect their own nation and political interest and gave their best to fight for their own country. The war of 1812 shows the struggle of different nations in stabilizing their country by the acquisition of more territories and fighting for the things that they believed were theirs. I was hooked on the story from the first podcast titled: The war of 1812 the movie, wherein it takes a very American perspective about the war. It glorifies the war as a victory of the American Nation and how they were able to overpower and defeat the Native Americans. I learned that the Americans were able to show their might, especially their military and naval strength. They were ...
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