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Changes That Should Be Made In The Constitution

Essay Instructions:

For the final paper in this course I want you to think critically and use the principles that we have learned throughout this semester and during class – Representative Democracy; The Constitution;  Separation of Powers; Checks and Balances (on those powers); The  Bill of Rights; Civil Rights;  Congress and The Courts; Political Parties and Campaigns;  Interest Groups and all the nuances and particulars that each principle brings in our democracy in addressing the issues that you will be writing about.  Currently the country seems to be under duress from many corners both internally and externally, some of this has been brought on by the election of an outsider to the political establishment, President Trump. However, he is not the sole reason for the social issues that have been thrust on to the national agenda and this is what I want you to focus on during this paper.  The Constitution of the United States has been in place as a ruling document for 229 years, it is clearly an enduring document that guides our society using the concept of the rule of law and defining how government should be laid out and the powers within each branch of our government either expressed or inherent. Additionally we have the Bill of Rights that has been in place for 226 years and gives citizen’s protections from government or place limits on our government.  As with all governing documents throughout history there is room for improvements as the governing society grows and becomes more complicated.  Our Constitution and Bill of Rights is no different, but in the United States we have a process for changing the constitution through the amendment process which is intentionally difficult.   In writing this paper, argue if the Constitution should be changed to address our current complex societal issues or should it be kept in its same form with the same amendment process. DO NOT shot from the hip, back it up with researched facts using primary and secondary sources (at least 2 of each but can always use more sources). You will have some personal thoughts (opinions) which is okay to inject into your argument but this is not an opinion paper, it’s a short research paper in the argument form

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Changes that should be made in the Constitution
A great Constitution must be one that upholds all principles and one that gives life and significance to these principles in a highly evolving and complex society. These principles enshrined within the Constitution will not necessarily change in time, but the application of those principles must evolve as the society also changes and experience influences the understanding of all individuals within the society. The Constitution should be changed to address the current and numerous societal issues. The Equal Protection Clause which has been interpreted to ensure that all people regardless of their religious affiliation, race or background (Caroll 32). However, without complete safeguards in the constitutional text, various interpretations could easily change since the composition of the Supreme Court typically evolves.
The Constitution should be changed in a manner that it will ensure that all people regardless of their gender identity, ethnicity or race, country of origin, disability, religion or sexual orientation are guaranteed equal rights (Spakovsky Slattery & Cleg 7). The Constitution should emphasize on the total ban of adverse racial and other preferential treatment in education, public employment and also other programs funded by the government. All regulations and agency practices must be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the law and provisions that might discriminate other individuals due to their particular preference. The constitution should ensure that no president may provide clemency or pardon to any staff member serving in their administration or to anyone that has provided them with campaign contributions (Caroll 49). The guilty person shall not be allowed to profit from their crimes and must pay back all their wealth from said crimes and damages afflicted on others.
The current election system for choosing...
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