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China’s Evolution And Significant Progress

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Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date China’s Evolution China is one of the countries that has undergone both economic and political changes over the last four decades. Currently, the country has a bureaucratic market system. In China, both the market and government coexist, but often encounter different forms of conflicts. Notably, China has made significant progress since it opened its doors to the outside world under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. The Great Famine of 1959-1961, Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976, and the devastation caused by Mao Zedong during the Great Leap Forward influenced Xiaoping to rethink of Marxist ideologies. Various Chinese leaders have struggled to restore the country’s lost glory under the theme of national rejuvenation. Xin Jinping renewed his commitment to restoring China’s lost glory by having a significant influence in the region. The definition of the Chinese culture changed to include different non-Han ethnicities as part of the United Chinese nation after the 1911 revolution. The dichotomies proliferated at the end of the nineteenth century while importing insight from abroad countries. Zang Hong and Qing promoted the state’s power by constructing railroads, establishing industries, and formulating policies by controlling other barbarians. Accordingly, the leaders recognized that western functional knowledge was an appropriate way of preserving the essence of the Chinese people. The accession to power by Kuomintang marked an end to the period of dominance of revolutionary strains. The new leaders tried to find past strategies that the country had applied to address the economic decline and social dissolution. In fact, the Chinese identified themselves together with the successful restoration and imperial governance (Xing 54). Notably, the provincial leaders rallied on the alien monarchy with the intent of defending the Confucian society. In the subsequent years, the government focused on the modernization of armed forces, restoration of the Confucian system, and rehabilitation of agriculture for economic development. Arguably, Confucianism was an effective way of controlling China’s destiny. The industrial revolution in China was a relevant development of restoring industries with the ultimate objective of enhancing economic development. After the emergence of different industries, most people accrued benefits from the development. According to Wen, the increased demand for raw materials ignited growth in Latin America and the Industrial West (67). Notably, the country had an opportunity to transform its dependence on agricultural farms to the emergence of numerous industries under favorable socio-economic conditions. However, the effort was a strategy of restoring its former glory and dominance in the world. Similarly, China experienced tremendous economic and political growth in the 20th century. The economy of the country was Agrarian in 1949 with about two-thirds of its Gross National Product (GNP) ensuing from agriculture. However, the government accrued revenue from the modern sectors, such as the transportation and manufacturing sector. A large percentage of the population lived in urban areas, thus promoting the commercialized economy. Moreover, most people had an opportunity to deliver their farm produce to the market. The overall value of imports and exports added up to approximately one-eighth of the overall Gross National Product. The political, economic, and military development in China during the 20th century influenced the rise of Chinese nationalism and decline of the communist ideology. However, Zhao sees no issue about the trend. Arguably, national pride and interests are acceptable in any state. One of the major concerns occurs if political leaders practice nationalism by demoralizing other nations with a core objective of mobilizing people to act aggressively. Some pessimists perceive that Chinese na...
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