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COVID-19 and the response of the United States Government Essay

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Full 5 pages research paper, normal margins, double-spaced 12pt, times new roman, proper in paper citations, and works cited page.

Topic: COVID-19 and the response of the United States Government

Introduction: Thesis Statement

COVID-19 has devastated not only America but the rest of the entire world. We have felt and dealt with the effects of the deadly virus for over eight months now. Most Americans do not see the light at the end of the tunnel. The United States Government have failed their people during this pandemic, a time when Government help has been essential to surviving this economic climate. When the Government should have passed the second COVID-19 relief bill, it was not, and now millions of Americans are feeling the effects exponentially. With an upcoming election, Americans are fearful of all their rights and liberties. II. Topic Sentence 1: How the Government prepared for the rise of the global pandemic

Support- The United States government had many plans in place to prepare for a pandemic. The Pandemic Influenza Plan was created around 2005 after dealing with pandemics in the 2000s such as the avian and influenza A viruses. This plan was created by the United States Department of Healthy and Human Services. With this plan came tools that the United States government has created and used in a way to plan, prepare, and respond to a pandemic. Three tools were created these include the Pandemic Intervals Framework, the Influenza Risk Assessment Took, and the Pandemic Severity Assessment Framework.


National Pandemic Strategy. (2017, June 15). Retrieved November 04, 2020, from https://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/pandemic-resources/national-strategy/index.html

Support- The Pandemic Intervals Framework has 6 different intervals and this tool “describes the progression of an influenza pandemic using six intervals.” (CDC). The Influenza Risk Assessment Tool is another tool used by the government to assess a pandemic, it was “developed by CDC and external influenza experts that assesses the potential pandemic risk posed by influenza A viruses that circulate in animals but not in humans” (CDC). Lastly, the Pandemic Severity Assessment Framework is used “to determine the impact of the pandemic, or how ‘bad’ the pandemic will be.” (CDC). There are two “factors” outlined on the CDCs website that’s purpose is to help “determine the impact of a pandemic” (CDC). As mentioned, the first method is clinical severity which means “how serious is the illness associated with infection.”. (CDC) The second factor is “how easily the pandemic virus spreads from person-to-person.” also called transmissibility. (CDC)


“Pandemic Severity Assessment Framework (PSAF).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 Nov. 2016, www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/pandemic-resources/national-strategy/severity-assessment-framework.html.

National Pandemic Strategy. 15 June 2017, www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/pandemic-resources/national-strategy/index.html.


“Pandemic Intervals Framework (PIF).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 Nov. 2016, www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/flu/pandemic-resources/national-strategy/intervals-framework.html.

III. Topic Sentence 2: How the Government reacted once the pandemic had spread throughout the entirety of the United States. The Government should have reacted much faster to the rise of the global pandemic known as COVID-19, because of their lack of reaction, they are now responsible for hundreds of thousands of avoidable deaths. CNN health reported, “The Trump Administration's faltering response to the coronavirus pandemic has led to anywhere between 130,000 and 210,000 deaths that could have been prevented, according to a report released Thursday by a team of disaster preparedness experts.” (Fox 2020). In the article, they have reported that the lack of an immediate response resulted in not only an exponential rise in the number of cases but as well as thousands of avoidable deaths.

A. Support- The Government passed the first stimulus bill, minimized travel, instilled mandatory quarantine except for essential businesses. "’ To stop the ongoing epidemic in the U.S., it is urgent to examine the available data, identify the failures, call out the Administration's relentless misinformation, and hold the Trump administration accountable for its failure to slow the virus's spread and the more than 200,000 lives that have been unnecessarily lost.’” (Fox 2020)


Fox, Maggie. “Faulty US Covid-19 Response Meant 130,000 to 210,000 Avoidable Deaths, Report Finds.” CNN, Cable News Network, 22 Oct. 2020, www(dot)cnn(dot)com/2020/10/22/health/covid-response-deaths-columbia-report/index.html

B. Support- The Government did not pass a second stimulus bill, opened all stores and restaurants again far too quickly, let the number of cases continue to rise, no enforcement on group outings and events leading to greater spread. Complicating the issue is an acrimonious turn in stimulus negotiation days ahead of the election, which saw top negotiators House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sling blame at each other over holding up a deal. The unfinished legislation -- which includes a second stimulus check and funding for a wide range of programs -- now hangs in the balance.

The results of the congressional and presidential races are expected to have an enormous impact on the content of the bill, which both sides say they want one way or another. But if the political majority for the new term shifts, it isn't clear if formal stimulus talks will continue in the period before the swearing-in of Congress for the new term on Jan. 3, or the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20.”. (Dolcourt, Colby 2020). This inability to pass an economic relief bill has further devastated Americans and has led to a deeper economic crisis.


Dolcourt, Jessica. “A Perfect Storm for Stimulus Negotiations? 3 Things That Could Hurry or Halt a Post-Election Bill.” CNET, CNET, 3 Nov. 2020, www(dot)cnet(dot)com/personal-finance/a-perfect-storm-for-stimulus-negotiations-3-things-that-could-hurry-or-halt-a-post-election-bill/.

V. Concluding Paragraph –

COVID-19 has caused devastating effects on the United States and the world. Many things within our society have changed because of the global pandemic. Americans have been quarantined for a tremendous amount of time. However, the Government did not put in protections and mandatory guidelines to aggressively prevent the spread of this pandemic. Due to this neglect, we have had to face the mass spread of the virus. Everything around us one way or another has changed due to the pandemic, and after we have a vaccine or a cure for the virus, we will still see the effects of the virus. The way we think and act will forever change after this. We will now think twice before we shake a stranger's hand or before we go to work with a slight cold.


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COVID-19 and the response of the United States Government
The coronavirus COVID19 pandemic is the central worldwide health crisis and extreme challenge at the moment. The pandemic is not only a health catastrophe but also an exceptional socio-economic ruin. Every country has the task of preparing ways to respond to the pandemic and to recover the losses. The federal government of the United States has responded to the pandemic with several declarations of emergency.
When the United States first heard the spread of COVID 19 in Wuhan China in early January through to the end of the month, the administration did not give it the seriousness it deserved in terms of formulating response measures (Haffajee et al., 390). The administration treated it as a trivial threat that could be easily controlled domestically. It even went to the extent of assuring the public that the country was at very low risk. By mid- January, the virus had been reported to have spread to other countries. Towards the end of the month, CDC started screening passengers who had travelled from Wuhan at the three US airports positive cases were confirmed although there was no community spread yet.
The state began to formulate the responsive measures toward the end of January. They began by creating the White House COVID 19 Task Force and declared a public health emergency (Chowell et al., 1093). The administration began to come up with a motion to discuss the legal and regulatory pandemic response procedures. It restricted international travel and restrained people from foreign countries who had travelled to China from entering the country.
The administration came up with many ways of effectively and quickly responding to the pandemic. The major tactic was to increase testing capacity. The American administration declined the WHO tests and together with CDC decided to depend on their locally developed tests which later proved to be faulty therefore forcing them to stop their labs from performing the testing since they could not continue using the faulty kits given by the CDC. Nevertheless, after realizing where the problem was, the substitute paths were hindered by the existing rules and regulations.
Even though the authoritative emergency that was needed to declare a public health emergency was destined to ease speedy testing, it was clear that the essential procedures were delaying the escalation of operative testing at scale. Even in late February, the testing capacity was still low. Both the CDC's and US tests were approximately 4000, yet the CDC was reassuring the public and the local officials that the capacity of testing was sufficient. The state's failure to test as per the required scale made the public believe that the positive cases were still low. That served as a justification that the current administration was satisfactory.
By the end of February, the confirmed cases had risen to two dozen. China and other counties were enforcing stick measures to contain the virus whereas the US government took few actions since they did not want to interfere with their economy and the social life of the public (Haffajee et al., 390). On 28th February, the CDC and FDA showed a change in their sense in terms of their response to the urgency. The federal government started to identify and corrected the failures in the testing rule. Federal officials planned to include the private sector in the pandemic response while Congress approved the addition of $8.6 billion to support health emergency preparation, vaccine development research, and treatment research.
After President Trump declared a national emergency on 13th March, the federal government devoted their energies fully to accelerate mass testing, to advance the supply of protective equipment to the public, and called upon all Americans to change their ways and to adhere to the preventive measures to control the spread of the virus. Further travel restrictions were enforced(Chowell et al., 1094). The entry of foreign nationals who had travelled from Europe and Ireland was prohibited. Other emergency powers such as Defense Production Act were initiated and later implemented. Other commercial tests were authorized, and mass testing was done. The results revealed how the spread of the virus had advanced in the US.
In late March, Trump announced the placement o...
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